Chapter 7 [Reader-Chan]

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You and Feliciano were arguing. Well, it was more like he was begging and you were being stubborn. What were you so worked up about? How you were going to be transported.

"I'm not going to obey you and I am not going to put in a cage!" That was it. When they wanted you in the car, they meant keeping you contained. Literally.

"Please, [Name]. It's not safe to for hybrids to be in a moving car. Plus, it's no different in other places; You're still going to be contained in one way or another." Feliciano was trying hard to get you to comply. You however, didn't understand. What was wrong with just using a seat belt?

The both of you waited a bit longer for the car to come around. Since you were outside, you decided to take a look at your surroundings. It was later into the day, so the sun was at its highest point. With the sun, it wasn't a different color. It was still yellow and bright.

Also, you noticed how slightly different the setting was here. There weren't a lot of plants and there were a bunch of buildings. You could tell that you were in a city, but you couldn't figure out which one. When you first arrived in this dimension, you were pretty sure you ended up in some kind of suburb. You were in a grassy are that had some kinds of trees and a plethora of bushes serving as a boundary between housing and the wilderness. 

It was also at that time that you met that weird hybrid. She didn't seem healthy and reminded you of a homeless person. Her body looked malnourished and her hair and nails were overgrown and poorly kept. Now that you think about it, the Inu reminded you of yourself in a way. But you just couldn't figure out why...

Backtracking to you and Feliciano, his hand was still on your shoulder, possibly there to make sure you weren't going to run away. It was ridiculous. He was afraid of you running off. Where would you even go?

The discussion of how you being accommodated to the car came about when you both were trying to make small talk.

You didn't know how long you were going to be in this world, or how long it'll be before you leave. A part of you hoped that Hercules would come and find you since he's the one who made the device in the first place.

But at the same time, you blamed yourself for the matter. If you hadn't gone against his wishes, you might now be in this situation. Back in your dimension, you loved humans. They were just so fascinating! A species with no extra limbs or abilities managed to survive on its own. Of course, it was only myths and legends that you heard and read about. In your dimension humans were extinct or never existed to begin with.

Here, you felt like you got the short end of the stick. Hybrids were not seen as equals, or even above humans. Hybrids were seen as pets. Pets. Your role in this society wasn't as a member but as someone's property. And it deeply irritated you.

Still, you didn't want to take your anger out on the three who were generous enough to let you stay with them (even as a pet). Right now Feliciano was the only one you felt closest to. The other two don't quite make you feel comfortable just yet. Kiku is semi-distant and jaded while Ludwig is rather intimidating and more of a concern to you.

Eventually their car came around. It was a spacious and shiny red car. You dropped your guard to admire it, only to be swiftly picked up by Feliciano. You flailed and thrashed but he quickly placed you in a cage that Kiku had ready. As you sat with your knees close, you heard apologies come from Feliciano and Kiku. (Ludwig kept staring blankly on the road the entire time, even if he wasn't moving.)

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