Chapter 11.5 [Hercules]

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Hercules heard beeping when he regained his consciousness. It wasn't like an alarm, it was more medical. He blinked his eyes a couple times before being able to see clearly. Upon looking down he noticed he was strapped down to a bed and hooked up to an IV. If that wasn't nerve racking enough, he noticed that Sadiq was no where in sight.

He may hate him, but Sadiq was the only thing he had towards comfort.

With panic now set in his brain, he began to squirm and yell. This all stopped when the door to his room opened. Hercules remembered that this man was an Italian named Luciano. Oh how he hated that name now. A hiss meant for the human slid out of throat, warning the human to not come closer. But Luciano, completely ignoring the sound, only chuckled as he moved towards Hercules.

"I think it's adorable that you're trying so hard to be brave. Your friend was like that too, but Lutz and I broke him. Kuro of course just had to be out..." Luciano said. From what Hercules could gather, Sadiq had had something done to him. And that something was definitely not a good thing.

Hercules tried moving one of his arms, except that made him cry out in pain. The IV was hooked up to that one while his other arm was  tied down and numb. His ears were flattened once again. Luciano watched the whole thing with amusement.

"Ah, Hercules. Mi dispiace (I'm sorry)." He said with a smug smile. "I did not realize that I cut you pretty deep. But you held up miraculously, even if you don't look so well right now. Sadiq held up as well, too. You're both very healthy for hybrids." Luciano moved closer, just like a predator would to it's prey. "I'm sure the both of you would be excellent, obedient servants. Or even show pets. Hybrids like the two of you are one in a million~!"

"Stay away from me you Τέρας (monster)..." Hercules said. He had had enough of this. He needed to find you, his friend. I hope [Name] is OK and in a better than me. Hercules thought.

Luciano clutched his heart and began to pretend he was in pain. "Oh! That definitely hurt!" He scowled. "I've been spending too much time with Flavio..." The Italian looked at the confused expression on Hercules's face. "What? I know a little Greek." Luciano said as one of his hands reached into his pocket. "So should I call you hybrids or aliens? Because it's now clear that the two of you aren't from this world. Or is dimension the right word?"

The color practically drained from Hercules's face. He realized now that he had the blueprints in his pocket. Hercules thought that he could just rebuild his machine after he and Sadiq found you. He didn't think much of the consequences of another creature finding it. Especially if that creature is as sentient and intelligent as him.

"How did you know...?"

"Oh it was simple. I only interviewed the Inu first because he was the first to wake up. The thing blabbed on and on about how he must've been drunk. Me and one of my other comrades questioned him. He said something about blueprints and asked about us. Humans don't exist where you're from, do they?" Hercules shook his head.

"No. They don't. [Name] just loved them though. She wanted them to exist so badly. I wanted to make her dream come true so I tried to make a simulation at first, but then I realized she should have the real thing."

"Ah, that's the other thing. Who is [Name]?"

"That's the one thing I won't tell you."

"So you'll tell me other things then?"

"I'll tell you anything that doesn't include her or her identity."

"Very well then." Luciano began to walk out of the hospital-like room. The blueprints were still in his hands. "I'm keeping these." He said. "Oh, and one more thing," Luciano's magenta eyes locked with Hercules's own green hues  "Sadiq will tell me then. I already drugged him. When I see you again, you will be next. What the two of you know is priceless." And with that Luciano left the room.

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