Chapter 25 [Reader-Chan]

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The siblings headed upstairs to the guest rooms. You figured that that was where their items were for the time being. Meanwhile, you knew that your clothes were in Feliciano's room. You really hoped that you could have your own room soon. Taking over Feliciano's room and part of his closet made you feel kind of bad. It wasn't really fair to him. Plus, it felt awkward sleeping there and changing in there. You definitely needed your own space.

Feliciano went towards the balcony while you started to head off in the direction of his room. You almost forgot that they had one of those that they could walk on. With all honesty, you kept thinking it was just a big window, and that the actual balcony was for aesthetic purposes. When you first arrived here, you did acknowledge it as what it was. But after being here for a while, and not seeing anyone go on it, the thought of what it's used for slipped your mind.

You didn't have a balcony in your other home. Your other home wasn't big, nor was it small. It was a decent size for you, considering that you lived alone. This apartment was much bigger than yours. It kind of made you feel slightly inferior. When it came to housing and income, that feeling of inferiority was rather easy to push away thankfully. Yet, other emotions were not as easy to push away...

Having your emotions get the best of you was not always a good thing. Especially here. You're trying to have them see you and treat you equally. It's a bumpy road. You hope that if you behave at the gala, and if they see that, then you'll be given the same respect that they have for one another. That idea was maybe a shot in the dark. But you wanted to take that chance.

You pushed open Feliciano's door. His room was rather drafty. You felt cold because of it. You closed the door with your back. For a few seconds, you rubbed your arms in hopes of warming yourself up. It didn't take long before you adapted to the temperature, fortunately.

Feliciano's closet was already open for some reason. Did you leave it open? Probably. You were very tired this morning, so you were bound to forget stuff. The bags containing your clothes were ransacked by you. Clothes that were once folded neatly were in piles on the floor. You had no idea what to wear this morning, so you went through all of them. Now, as you looked at what you did, you regretted being so indecisive.

What you made was a mess. How could you find that one dress underneath all of these clothes? You began to try to clean it all up. You picked up one article of clothing at a time and folded it. This action was repeated again and again until you noticed a white box. The box appeared untouched by your actions, save for being covered by your clothes.

You stopped what you were doing and reached for it. You pulled in onto your lap. With two hands, you opened it. There, inside and neatly folded, was the dress that you needed to wear. Suddenly, you recalled why you liked it. The fabric was comfortable and breathable. The design was just what you liked. The length wasn't too long or too short for you. And the color... You loved the color.

At least you liked what you were going to wear.

After pushing everything else aside so that you had room, you began to put on the dress. You were glad it was not on the more complicated side. You have see some pretty complex clothing items before. It was unreal how many steps were needed to follow just for putting clothes on.

It didn't take long for you to put it on. You felt the fabric once more. It was a nice texture. You spun around just once. For some reason, you felt giddy. God, you liked this outfit so much. You felt like you should do something. You felt strangely confident. Was this outfit what was making you feel that way? It was only an outfit, though. Yet this one outfit reminded you of being back home with friends.

Going to parties... Eating at restaurants... Binge watching your favorite shows... Chatting for hours... Name it, and you have probably done something similar with your friends.

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