Chapter 26 [Reader-Chan]

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"I, um, have something for jou." He said.

You walked over to him with curiosity. What did he have? And it was for you? He didn't seem like the gift giving type. Especially towards you. You got closer, and noticed that he had a small bag with him.

"Is that for... Me?" You asked while pointing at the bag.

"Ja." He replied. "Jou can wear it now. It would probably be better if you did..."

You didn't hear him say the last sentence. He offered the bag to you. You took it and looked at what was inside. With one hand, you grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a necklace. A simple necklace with a single charm. Your eyes lit up at the sight; You loved it.

"Thank you..." You said. "Thank you."

"Do jou know how to put it on?"

"Yeah, I do."

You proceed to put the necklace on. The hook was hard to open, but you eventually managed to succeed. Once you had it on, you held the charm. It was pretty. The charm completed the necklace, and the necklace completed your look. However, something about this scenario made you think for some reason.

Why is he giving me this? I thought he hated me. Wait... Does he want me to pay him back? I can't do that! You were worrying yourself due to this one item. You needed to calm down. OK. OK. It's a gift. Maybe that's all it is; A gift. But even if it's a gift, why is he taking the time to do this? Doesn't he hate me? Doesn't he want me gone? Unless... Unless he's trying to make a connection with me. He wasn't looking at you. He was adverting his eyes away. Does he want to be friends? Is that it? With no other explanation, that's what you assumed. You smiled internally. I can try to be friends with him. Or at least acquaintances. Yeah, acquaintances is a good start.

You took this as an olive branch; Him trying to form some sort of peace between the two of you. It was nice of him. You wondered if you could somehow gift something to him. Or if you could do something for him. It might be nice if you showed that you aren't a complete threat or terror.

In fact, you thought about doing this with Kiku and Feliciano as well. They might like that too. You now thought about how you could achieve this goal. Keeping it as a surprise would be difficult. You're usually supervised now. Plus, you didn't have any money, and (unfortunately) had no way of making money. Even with the challenges though, you know that you'll figure out a way to pull it off.

Speaking of Feliciano, he finally came out of his room. This time, though, he was formally dressed. You noticed his shoes first. Feliciano's black shoes were extremely shiny. They practically looked like they were fresh from the store. It wouldn't be too surprising if that was actually true. His suit was a dark blue. Feliciano must like that color—he wore it a lot. The suit's winged collar looked good on him. It gave an added feeling of formality and professionalism. His necktie was tightly fastened in place. You had no idea if that hurt or not, and hoped it was latter over the former. All in all, he pulled off the outfit nicely.

Seeing him like this prompted a different impression of him. He didn't seem to have his overly cheerful, bubbly personality. No, he appeared more mature and professional. It was weird to see Feliciano like that. But, underneath that business-like exterior, Feliciano was still his happy self.

"[Name]! Look at me! Don't I look nice?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, you look great."

"Grazie (Thanks)!" He smiled. Feliciano decided to come to you and Ludwig. He stopped when he noticed your new accessory. "Hm? Cos'è quello? What's that?"

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