Chapter 34.5 [Ludwig & Feliciano]

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He wasn't expecting the situation at the gala to happen. It was incredibly sudden. Being a former soldier though, he managed to maintain a calm mind and helped make sure others were safe. Many people and hybrids were quick to follow his directions and escape. Ludwig helped whoever he could. The safety of those around him was of the utmost importance.

While the chaos was going on, he thought about the attackers' goal. They seemed to be mostly targeting hybrids. But he couldn't figure out why. Was it because of some bias against them? People coming to steal them? Some type of political or economical statement against their owners? Ludwig couldn't tell then, and he still can't tell now.

He remembered being outside and having to calm down others before going back in. The amount of time he spent outside was unknown. Though it must have been a while as the gala room was practically bare when he reentered it. The area was a deserted mess. The furniture was either broken or displaced. Pieces of uneaten food became embedded into the flooring, while beverages created tiny puddles. Glass shards were ever prominent as well. Tons of people were here earlier, but there was no one here now.

Well, no one but Feliciano.

Ludwig saw his friend trembling on the floor on his knees. He rushed over him, but had to stop when he noticed how Feliciano flinched upon hearing his footsteps; He didn't want frighten or provoke him anymore. Seeing the Italian like this was out of character. Ludwig called out his friend's name, expecting Feliciano to respond or to at least turn around. All he received was silence though. Ludwig was unsure if he should stay put or if he should walk closer. However, he inadvertently picked the former as he remained where he was.

Feliciano eventually collected the courage and confidence needed to face Ludwig. The suit he wore looked messy when viewing from the front. Below Feliciano's eyes were tear streaks, a sign that he had been crying. Ludwig and Feliciano made eye contact for a good amount of time before Feliciano decided to break the silence. His voice was nearly soundless as he spoke.

"L-La mia famiglia..." He said.

Though Ludwig knew the translation, he was confused on why Feliciano was saying those words and why Feliciano was behaving the way he was. Feliciano's family? Ludwig knew that Feliciano only talked about a small portion of his family: His brothers and his grandfather. Occasionally, Feliciano would mention something about his other family members, but he would always play dumb and deny whatever he said. The only information that Feliciano confirmed about the other sides of his family were negative; His family consisted of those who did not have the best morals.

So hearing Feliciano mention them was unexpected.

It was concerning, even.

"Jour family?"

Feliciano nodded weakly. His hands formed fists as he kept them close to his chest, close to his heart. It was hard for him to think of them. His behavior earlier was only possible because of pure adrenaline. The adrenaline faded away, leaving him in this emotional state. Feliciano would have preferred to be alone when like this, but because of the circumstances, he knew that he didn't have a choice.

"Vorrei che la mia famiglia fosse normale... Ma non lo siamo..." Feliciano broke eye contact and turned away again. "I just... I thought that these things were over, or that they wouldn't do things like this in plain sight. Especially when it's something as major as this... Ludwig, mio amico," Feliciano said with mild hesitation, "what do you know about my family?"

Feliciano already knew that he wouldn't get much of an answer. He never spoke of his relatives that often for those to know much anyways, meaning Ludwig wouldn't know the topic that well. Yet he still asked the question. Maybe a part of Feliciano wanted him to know. At least so someone could sort of understand his feelings right now.

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