Chapter 35 [Reader-Chan]

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The sound of footsteps could be heard. The same with quiet, muffled talking. Feelings of alarm and panic washed over you. Your muscles tensed and your body instinctively moved away from the sounds. You looked towards the fence that separated the alleyway in half. If things got really bad, then escaping would be tricky.

As you tried to think of your options, a figure came into view; A tall, muscular male human. His face didn't quite yet register in your mind. But that was the least of your worries. With the events of the gala still fresh in your memories, you bolted for the fence. You didn't really care if the human was potentially friendly, nor did you care that running to the fence was futile. You just knew that you had to get out of this scenario as fast as possible.

You were maybe a few seconds away from climbing the fence when you heard the human speak.

"[Name]. [Name], come here. The two of us need to talk."

You paused before turning around. It was Ludwig. While you felt a small sense relief over the fact that it wasn't a total stranger, seeing Ludwig was still as terrifying. Also, you were confused and a bit concerned about how he found you. But now was not the time to think about that. You went back to what you were doing. This time, you were forcing yourself to do it faster.

Ludwig was displeased with how you were acting. He walked over to you with a sigh. He repeated your name one more time. When you didn't respond or stop, he pulled you off the fence. The action had you thrashing and yelling. You were terrified.

"Stop it! Let me go! Stop!"

He lifted you up like you weighed nothing. God, this guy is strong. Ludwig put you back on the ground and kept you from running by putting his hands on your shoulders. Though he kept you in place, you still fought his grip.

"[Name]." He said again with hints of both anger and authority. He tried to look you in the eyes, but you refused to meet his gaze.

Ludwig said your name one more time, yet you didn't give him the pleasure of a reply.

Your silence and lack of acknowledging him didn't affect Ludwig that much. He sighed, the action was an attempt to try to control is thinning temper. While you were reluctant to cooperate, you were still semi-compliant. Only when he tried to force you to move did you get aggressive.

You tried to break free of his hold and hit him. You knew that Ludwig would react fast, but you didn't know that he would react this quickly. It looked like his combat skills weren't even the slightest bit rusty

He saw your attack coming as soon as you attempted it. The fist you had only a few seconds ago was now held above your head. Your other hand was kept away too; Pulled to the side, with Ludwig grasping it firmly. Once you were immobilized, he tried to initiate a conversation with you one more time. But before he could say anything, you began to start crying.

"Vhy are jou crying?" He demanded, thinking that you were trying to lower his defenses. "[Name]. [Name]. [Name] Beilschmidt."

Ludwig visibly cringed as he added the surname. The last name seemed to have given him discomfort of some kind. Meanwhile, your tears suddenly stopped. In place of the fear was now a mixture of emotions. Anger, sadness, disgust... It was all overwhelming.

"Wh-What did you call me...?"

You remembered hearing that last name being used for you when you went to the hybrid hospital. You brushed it off at the time. But now, as you are literally backed into a corner, hearing it now was like a slap in the face; A slap that made you finally realize this dimension's fundamental truth.

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