Chapter 21 [Reader-Chan]

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"Oh, look at you! You're so cute~! Carina~! You would make such a perfect model for me! I'd ditch my new hybrid for you in a heartbeat!" He said.

You had no idea who this guy was. All you knew was that he was invading your personal space—he was too close. You kept staring at his eyes, though. You couldn't tell if his eyes were that color due to the glasses, or if they were natural. You weren't sure if you even wanted to know.

You kept observing his other features and accessories. He had a pink dress shirt on with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. His dark gray pants looked casual, but they also had a feeling of formality to them. Your eyes turned back to his head. The stranger's hair was blond. Very, very blond. He definitely dyed it. You thought. Yet what caught you off guard the most was the single strand of hair sticking out. It was a curl. A curl that was very similar to Feliciano's...

No way...

"Come here, ibrida (hybrid)!" The stranger pulled you close, much to your discomfort. "Sorridi!"


The flash caught you off guard. How the hell did he manage to get his phone out so quickly? It was like he had had practice in that area before. You rubbed your eyes. The flash hurt your eyes and made it difficult to see. Meanwhile, the blond stranger just laughed and continued to coo over you. You hated this man now. You wished he would go away.

"Ooh! Look at this pic! I'm going to make it my screensaver!" The compliments made you uncomfortable. No normal person would be acting like this over another person. However, you weren't a person in their eyes; Just a cute animal. "You're so well behaved! I'm jealous of your owner! A feline hybrid that resembles a character from an old myth, and one that is tamed too! Oh, I could just snatch you up now and no one would notice." He paused, a thought in his mind, and a glint in his eyes. That wasn't good... "Not a single person would notice~!"

That escalated quickly.

His tone terrified you. He terrified you. One second he was taking an unwanted photo with you. The next second he was thinking about kidnapping you. This was happening too fast. God, you thought stuff like this only happened in movies and books. Were all human strangers like this here? You hoped not.

You tried to head back into the store, to get away, but the mysterious man held your arm tightly. You were stuck. Stuck with him.

"Let me... Let me..." You tried to speak. Yet your words were almost inaudible. Fear made it challenging to voice your words. You were also scared of their reaction to you speaking.

The man took out what looked like a pill. It was round and pure white. The pill was small, too. You didn't want to know why he had a random pill. Nor did you want to know what it does. You shut your mouth immediately.

"Can you take pills dry? I'm sorry I don't have any water on me, ibrida. We just need to make do with what we got." He said. He genuinely seemed upset about the last part.

He tried to open your mouth, prodding at it with his fingers. You hoped his hands were clean. He had you in tight hold with one hand. If this was half of his strength, you didn't want to see it's full capacity. Keeping your mouth shut was getting difficult. The both of you were struggling. You kept trying to move away while he was trying to get you to come with him. You hated yourself for just standing there. You hated that couldn't do much when you tried. You needed to do something. Anything. Anything at all. You needed a miracle. You needed—


You needed a hero.

"Y-Yeah! Hey!"

Interdimensional [Various! Hetalia X Hybrid! Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang