Chapter 10.5 [Young! Reader-Chan]

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[Takes place when Reader-Chan was in middle school/junior high or whatever you call it.]

First period was always the easiest to get through. History was always easy and entertaining. The rest of the day went by quickly after that. But it was last period that always bothered you.

Science class.

It wasn't that the class was hard. It was how you often managed to pick some type of argument with all of your classmates and teacher. You might be a little stubborn about your thoughts and beliefs.

"Miss [Last Name], please explain why you didn't clean up the equipment?"

"It was Hercules's mess. And he never cleans up anything. I honestly think that this is one of those times where 'there's a first time for everything'. Plus he owes me one."

"Yes, I'm aware of what he does, but it clearly says that it's your turn to clean up messes today. Look at the chart."

You looked over to the childish whiteboard. Your class had three and used the third one as a way to keep track of who does what. Thursday was when you do the cleaning in class. But today you forced Hercules to clean up once in class for you. He never cleaned up anything. So you wanted to have him try it once to see that it wasn't 'impossible'.

That incident happened last week. You lost ten points on your next text for talking back and for not doing your job. Still, you wished that you could relive that again than deal with the present.

"Who can tell me their scientific name?" Your teacher asked. They called on someone in the second row.

"Kemonomimi alatus! Or a winged hybrid!" A joyful Avian answered. She always got anything right that involved aviation or wings.

"Correct! I'm a Full-Body hybrid so I'm a Kemonomimi corporis. Half hybrids are Kemonomimi dimidium and Aquatic hybrids are Kemonomimi aquatilium." They began writing on the board. Afterwards, they started to add columns to each name. Each column was meant for a subcategory for the scientific names. You wrote each of these down in your notes before an Inu blurted out a very embarrassing fact.

"[Name] still believes in humans and wants to know their scientific name!" You gritted your teeth after hearing what Sadiq said. Hercules didn't like him and Hercules was your best friend. So naturally, you've developed an irritation to the Akbash Inu as well.

Laughter and giggles spewed out of your classmates mouths. Even your teacher found it amusing.

"Miss [Name], you do know that humans don't exist, right?" You nodded. "Then you know that there isn't a scientific name for something that is nonexistent?" Again you nodded. "Then create one."

What they said surprised you. Create one? You didn't even know where to begin.

"Create one?"

"Yes. If you can come up with a convincing name, along with facts, then I'll see that you and one other student receive full marks on your next tests for a month. Do you want to take this challenge?"

"I'll try it." Hercules looked at you. "And if I do well, I want me and Hercules to get the grade." You heard your classmates go 'ooh' and start to snicker afterwards. Some were even doing the lovey dove chant. The bell rung at that time, signaling that the day was over.

Everyone ran out and the teacher called for you. Hercules, like a good friend, waited out in the hall for you. (And hissed at Sadiq while doing so...)

"You have one week. On Friday we'll see what you have."


"Alright then. Good luck, [Name]." You left the room and walked out of the building with Hercules. After you both went your separate ways, you began to think about what you did. You basically asked for an extra assignment on top of what you usually have to do.

"One week, huh? Let's see what kind of dent I can make in my grade." Throughout the week you tried to find whatever you could about humans. Articles, myths, even children's books you turned to. It took a while but you eventually found out more facts than what was needed.

You took all of your data and put it on a poster board. When the day came, you felt ready and prepared.

"That's it about hydra's for today. Remember, hydras and chimeras are the same thing, except chimeras can be a combination of and three or more animals. Hydras are the broader term. Also remember this, hydras were the most dangerous hybrid and now extinct hybrids." Sadiq raised his hand. "Yes?"

"I heard that some still exist and that the government is trying to create new ones! So not totally extinct."

"Of course there are rumors and theories about them. But at the same time, no one has proofs." You teacher looked at the time before sighing. "Miss [Last Name] seems to want to show her proof and the new scientific name of humans. Come up [Name], and don't make a fool up here."

You walked up front with you board. You felt confident enough to give a good presentation and have your classmates and teacher be impressed. Well, you were prepared to show what you did at least. The laughter given and embarrassment you felt couldn't have been prepped for you.

Names were said to you by your classmates. Especially creative ones that were coined by Sadiq. You felt that your teacher had something to do with this too.

After everything died down, you could feel heat rise in your cheeks and felt your eyes grow heavy with tears. The day ended and everyone left. Even your teacher. Only Hercules was left.

"You convinced me at least." He said. Even if it was fake and a lie, it felt nice having those words come out of him. You lost hope in yourself for a while after that. It could be a while before humans would interest you again.

But with Hercules, he just wanted to see you smile. He would want to go out of his (lazy) way to make you happy. He would even learn about new and difficult sciences just so you can feel like you were right.

[Short AF but there you go. Enjoy me failing at this... Also, you learn a bit more about the hybrids in this for each dimension. I imagine that being called an 'Inu' or a 'Naga' is like saying someone is 'Irish' or 'Mexican'. But the four main classes are different species. (And then there are hydras but like have fun with that...) Hybrid is just a general term. It's like the final way they classify themselves.]

Interdimensional [Various! Hetalia X Hybrid! Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin