Chapter 14.5 [Hercules & Sadiq]

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Hercules didn't understand what was going on. He was woken up by someone tapping him and taking him to another room. That someone seemed very cautious of him. But Hercules brushed it aside since he was half asleep. He was in a new room again, but this time Sadiq was (unfortunately) by his side.

"My head hurts... I think I was actually drugged." Sadiq said as he rubbed his head. His mask was gone, it must've been confiscated by the people containing him and Hercules.

"Oh? What gave it away?" Hercules said with a snicker. "This is not a hangover, because I'm sure you are used to those."

"No need to be snarky." Sadiq retorted. "Where are we now anyways?" The Akbash Inu and the Greek Neko took in their new surroundings once again. Neither of them knew why the room they were in was a gym. There were treadmills, dumbbells, and other fitness equipment. Hercules thought he saw a track outside, but he was tricked because it was just a big realistic photo.

Luciano walked into the room. Behind him were his partners Lutz and Kuro. As usual, Luciano did the talking.

"Hey, hybrids. I see each of you recovered." He noticed how Hercules was standing on his own again. Er, how he was sitting on his own. Sadiq was the only one standing. The dog hybrid appeared a bit tipsy, but that was understandable since he was drugged while Hercules was not.

"Vhen is the fun going to begin?" Lutz asked impatiently. The lavender eyed man was anxious to do something. After all, Luciano looked excited as well. Whatever was going on, nothing good will come towards the hybrids.

"I'm sure it will begin now, Lutz." The Italian replied. "Just do what you and Kuro would normally do, as I take care of things for now."

"Fine." Lutz and Kuro headed to the equipment in the gym and started to do their routines. Hercules stayed on the floor, half asleep and unaware of what was going on this time. Meanwhile, Sadiq comprehended the situation. He wondered why he was in a gym, and why the humans seemed so eager for something.

"Ciao, animali. Welcome to another day of your new lives! But I think you should know what's going on." Luciano began. "First off," he said grimly, "don't try to think of leaving. Nothing good will come out of it for either of us." The Italian continued on after he made that warning.

Sadiq understood everything that was being said. He was nervous and worried, how come a rescue mission for you turned into one for them? There's always a light at the end of a tunnel. Sadiq just needed to wait long enough to see it.

This time, Hercules was the one not on earth. He was sleeping earlier, and was woken up. It'll be a while before he gains enough energy back to function properly. All he got out of Luciano's mini speech was that Kuro did experimenting, Lutz did some type of illegal fighting or whatever, and Luciano profited from the two things in different ways. But since Hercules was stuck in the state of sleeping and reality, he didn't grasp the fact of how this all related to him.

So when Luciano said, "got that?" He simply nodded his head, gave a small sound, and didn't make anymore noises.

"Come on, Hercules." Sadiq said as he grabbed the Greek's arm and led him to some equipment. Hercules trudged on a treadmill while Sadiq was lifting weights.

The only German in the room dropped what he was doing. He went to a supply closet the small fitness room and brought out a foldable table.

"Ugh, we have money. Why do I let you keep that thing?" Luciano asked, his Italian accent filled with disgust.

"Because it's still good und I like it." Lutz replied. He was either ignorant to the Italian rolling his eyes, or he just didn't care and was used to it. Lutz set the makeshift furniture up and called out to the hybrids. Specifically, one of them. "Oi. Neko. Come here."

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