Chapter 9 [Reader-Chan]

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A gasp accompanied you as you woke. Blurriness also plagued your eyes as you blinked repeatedly.

"Ugh..." You held your head with one hand and sat up. Your other hand touched a familiar feeling mat and you gazed down to see the yoga mat thing you woke up on earlier. With a quick look around the room, you noticed that you were back in the fancy apartment that wasn't yours. But everything was darker.

After your brain processed the situation a bit more, you concluded that it was nighttime. While that's great and all, it also meant that you've been stuck in this world for at least 12 hours if not more. You looked at your clothing. It also meant that this was your only change of clothes for who knows how long.

Since it was nighttime, you had free roam of the place as long as no one else woke up. First up was for you to find suitable nighttime wear. You didn't want to make your clothes more dirty than they already are.

You searched the apartment. Even the second floor of it, but you found nothing. It was time to go search for what you wanted yourself.

Feliciano's room was a safe start. He was the only one you were most comfortable with, and he seemed like the one to have loose T-shirts. You weren't sure what type of clothing you would find in Kiku's room. And you weren't going in Ludwig's room for obvious reasons.

The gentle scent of flowers hit your nose as you entered. Everything was the same as before, only the lighting was just darker. Your vision allowed you to see in this darkness and your feline instincts helped you be more stealthy and quiet. All in all, it was a slim chance that Feliciano would wake up.

Speaking off, you were surprised to see that the Italian wasn't in his bed. Or even lying on the floor. The bed looked like someone was in it, but there was no one. You could've sworn that there were no other lights on. Could he have gone to the bathroom? Yeah, that was a more likely guess.

You quickly grabbed a clean shirt and took off out of the room. Quickly, you hid behind the couch and started changing. It shouldn't have been a surprise that the shirt was way too big for you, but it was. It was a good thing, actually. Had you been back in your dimension with this scenario, this shirt wouldn't cover much. But the giant clothing top was like a dress on you.

When you were finished, you came back out from behind the couch and nearly fell over. It was like a dress, one of those fancy ones that you know should have been a mistake. You felt like an ungrateful Cinderella as you lifted up the bottom hem to walk. The kitchen was your destination. You were hopeful you could find some pins or elastics to hold the shirt in place.

Luckily, you found what you were looking for. When you were done, you proceeded to find a new sleeping area. Sleeping on a mat meant for an animal isn't dignifying. Even if the animal is supposed to be you.

You stumbled about. Eventually you headed back to Feliciano's room. He still wasn't there and his bed was wide open. Without much of a second thought, you jumped in the bed.




This bed was so comfortable! It was the perfect way for you. You curled up on the soft mattress. It wasn't until after you got comfortable that you realized how tired you were. The cat in you started to crawl out.

Normal cats need 12-16 hours of sleep. You were no different. But because of how you used to live (having a job, going to school, and being with friends), that part of you got suppressed over time. Now it's a bit different. You weren't socializing as much and you were sleeping more at random times. It only takes a couple of days for you to fall back into that cycle.

Interdimensional [Various! Hetalia X Hybrid! Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora