Chapter 4 [Reader-Chan]

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(Honestly though, this photo is the perfect reaction for Reader-Chan. XD *Angry Cat Noises* I'm sure it's obvious, but Germany is the one who found you. Lol. Reader-Chan, don't scare him! Oof. Anyways, thanks for reading this story :3)

You screamed. When you screamed, the hand let go of your tail. But you were still pulled out from your hiding spot.

When you stopped screaming, you opened your eyes. In front of you was a big, blond man. And, honestly, he looked scared and didn't know what to do. More footsteps came from the hallway. Two more men came into the room, both looking just like the blond with their facial expressions.

One had light brown hair, and the other had pitch black hair. Each of them were in their pajamas. The blond had a house robe on with pajamas that were probably underneath. You were the only misfit, still wearing your everyday clothes. Not to mention you had cat ears and a tail.

"Rudwig, what happened?" The man with the dark hair was the first to speak. You understood him, but his 'L's' were funny. "What did you arready do to it?" 

It. It? You were an it?!  No. Nope, sorry. Were you just an item of possession here? You squinted, making a face of hatred. Before jumping to conclusions, you wanted more evidence that it wasn't you they were talking about.

"I didn't do anything!" The blond sounded a little upset. You could a bit of a German accent coming from him. He looked behind himself to see you. He didn't look happy with you.

"Really? Ludwig it sounded like you pulled her tail!" The brunet gave you a look of sympathy. "Povera ragazza..." You didn't want sympathy you wanted to leave.

"Excuse me, but where the hell am I?!" Your question shocked everyone in the room. The blond that was probably known as "Ludwig" backed up a bit. All three men were in the room looking at you. 

"Rudwig, I thought Vash said that this was a wild hybrid." The dark haired man sounded concerned.

"He did. Kiku, I don't know vhy she can already talk..." Ludwig moved closer to the brunet. "Feliciano, I think I owe you an explanation..." He whispered.

"Wait... Ludwig got a trained hybrid~! Vee~!" The bubbly man ran over to you, clearly not reading the room. He hugged you tightly."Grazie mille!" 

Now you were confused. But you were also getting agitated. The brunet was fawning over you a little to much that he was close to squishing you. Also, you were very confused as to why humans were bigger than you. 

"Let me go you overgrown kid!" You tried to escape from his grasp. As you stood up you finally noticed the true height difference. You were probably a little bit bigger than a small child to them.

In your anger, you failed to notice that Ludwig and the other man had left the room. Ludwig returned with a collar and the other man came back with some type of plant. Each of them were walking back slowly to the kitchen. 

Feliciano, whose name you now know, kept saying things like, how "cute you were", and that "you're a feisty little Neko". Honestly, you kinda liked the affection. But at the same time, you didn't want to hear it.

Even though you didn't notice, Ludwig and his friend came back. Feliciano also hugged you once again. Just when you were about to get violent, you heard the ring of bell and turned around. A collar was sitting in Ludwig's hand. 

Your eyes widened as you backed away towards Feliciano. He didn't mind too much. 

"You get that away from me!" You started shaking. So you were an item of possession here! Fear started burrowing its way into you. Is this what your life was going to be like now? No! Hercules would come and get you. He had to! The German started speaking again.

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