Chapter 27 [Reader-Chan]

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The front door swung open, forcing you to look in that direction. Three men showed up. They were the same guests from last night. You recognized the blond right away. It was Francis, Matthew's human. You think you knew the other two's names. Gilbert and Antonio, right? That sounded correct.

Matthew gasped and ran over to Francis. He ended up hugging him. Alfred ran over to him too, but didn't give him a hug. It looked like he only wanted Francis to acknowledge him.

Gilbert's face held a huge smile. He plopped himself on the couch, right next to Ludwig, his brother. You saw him mess with Ludwig's hair, causing him much distress. Gilbert was pushed away as Ludwig tried to recompose himself. Gilbert didn't mind as he immediately began to converse with him and Feliciano.

Antonio stayed by Francis. Alfred had turned his attention towards him. It looked like he wanted attention from everyone. Antonio rubbed Alfred's head and started talking to him in Spanish. There were a couple times where you thought you knew what he was saying. (At least you thought so. You could pick up a few cognates here and there. Yet you didn't know everything.) But he spoke so fast—and with such a thick accent—that you couldn't really understand him. It didn't look like Alfred understood him either.

You stayed where you were. Feelings of uncomfortableness and awkwardness of grew within you. These people weren't your friends. They weren't your family. You're like a traveler who's only staying with them temporarily. You'll be gone, and they'll forget about you. And you'll do the same. It probably is not a healthy way of looking at it, but it's realistic. You only need their assistance to get you back. Then, you won't need or see them ever again. It's for the best, anyways.

Feliciano turned his head towards you. He noticed that you were by yourself. He left the group and came to sit with you. He sat down next to you, his knees close to his chest. Feliciano stayed quiet at first. The awkward silence went away as soon as he asked you a question though.

"Why are you alone, [Name]? Don't you want to talk to us? Or say hi? I know you met them last night, but it's nice to say 'hello' to people."

Why did he have to make you feel bad?

"I don't know. Because I don't really know them? Or even you for that matter?"

"Hmm... Well, I'm Italian. I have two brothers, one is still in boarding school and the other is off somewhere else. My favorite food is pasta. And Ludwig and Kiku are my closest friends! Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio are close seconds. But don't tell them that I said that." He whispered the last part, causing you to crack a small smile. Feliciano saw it and his own smile grew bigger. "See? I'm fun!"

"Yeah, you are." You said. "But I don't think a few facts about you will make me feel completely comfortable."

"Then tell me about yourself."

"Excuse me?" Your head tilted slightly due to confusion. Why would he want that?

"Tell me about yourself, [Name]. If learning about me won't do it, then maybe I need to learn about you."

"And you think talking about myself will make me feel more comfortable here?"

"!" He smiled with excitement. "I'll listen. I'm a good listener! So talk."

Well, there seemed to be no way out of this. At least there was no way out without hurting his feelings. What were you going to tell him? While there were good things about you, most of the time you felt bland. What might make you proud may not be impressive to another person. And vice versa.

Sighing, you looked at him and began to give him two simple facts about yourself. They weren't personal, but he might accept them anyways.

"My favorite color is [Favorite Color]. I like [Food]. And... That's it."

"That's it?"


He didn't speak for a minute. He looked lost in thought, concentrating and thinking. Feliciano was going over what you said. Eventually he managed to speak again.

"At least you told me one thing that you like. I guess I don't need to know everything about you... I wanted to know a few things. I guess I got what I wanted..." He said.

There was even more silence after that.

Even though he seemed fine and content, he wasn't. You could tell he was disappointed with your answers. But he was respecting you in that sense. You wanted to see this as another step towards being equals. However, you did not want his pain to be the cost. Feliciano meant well. It wasn't fair if he got hurt. You would feel bad every time he did. But what could you do? He needed to realize that you weren't staying forever.

However, you two had very different thoughts and ideas.

Feliciano knew that you had walls. They were what was preventing you from letting him in. He didn't completely understand why you had them though. But he does know that he doesn't want to provoke you. Provoking you won't lead to anything good. He learned that the other day when you tried to run away.

He doesn't want you to run. He wants you to stay. He wants to care about you. Feliciano was worried that you would never care about him or his friends. He really wanted to change your mindset. Was it your intelligence that was getting in the way? Was it your dedication to whatever life you lived before? Hybrids are known to be extremely loyal.

Even without realizing it.

Your genetic code must be preventing you from even attempting to like it here. Feliciano wondered that if he can show you how happy you'll be if you stay, then you might want it too.

Would... Would the gala do it for you? Would the gala make you want to stay? He hoped so, and he was starting to think that if might.

While Feliciano was in his own thoughts, your focus shifted. Kiku finally walked into the apartment, making your attention turn to him. You always wondered where he went during the day. However, you were unsure if you would get the answer. He greeted everyone and apologized that he was late and wasn't ready yet. Kiku then headed towards his room to do just that.

He was always so polite, never wanting to be rude or "not-honorable". You thought about your experiences with him. Every now and then he would vanish, so you never really had much time with him. When you did spend time with him, he usually went along with whatever Feliciano does or say. You couldn't tell if it was him trying be a people pleaser, or if he actually wanted to go along with Feliciano's plans.

Five minutes seemed to pass. Kiku came out of his room quickly. He got dressed fast. His outfit was almost exactly the same as Feliciano's outfit. There was only one difference though, and that was the color scheme. Kiku's outfit was nearly entirely white. His necktie and a few buttons were the only source of color; They were the color of gold.

Everyone else soon noticed him and they all started to clear out of the apartment. Antonio and Francis were the first ones to exit the door. Alfred and Matthew followed close behind. Gilbert was still hyperactive, which made his brother try to remind him that they were attending a professional setting. Of course, Gilbert didn't care and reminded him that since they were nowhere near the location, it was OK for him to act like that at the moment.

The last two people in the apartment were you and Feliciano. Everyone else left and was walking down the hallway. Feliciano got to his feet. He offered his hand to help you up but you denied. You could take care of yourself.

"Are you excited, [Name]?" He asked.

"I guess so. I've never been to gala before, so I don't know what to expect."

Ah. That could be good for Feliciano. He could make you enjoy your time there, and make you want to stay. The both of you began to walk out, Feliciano behind you.

"Well I'm sure you'll like it! And there's going to be more hybrids there! It won't be just you and Matthew and Alfred. Ooh! Maybe you'll also meet someone?"

You found his thought amusing. Meeting someone? Please. You didn't know if he meant that as in meeting a romantic partner, or as in meeting a new friend. Either way, you didn't see any of those happening.

Feliciano shut the door behind you. You heard the "click!" of the lock. There was definitely no way you were getting back in now. All you could do now was follow everyone else; Follow them to the gala.

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