Chapter 23 [Reader-Chan]

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The four of you walked around the shopping plaza some more. Eventually, Feliciano took you all to get food. There was a cafe here as well. The feelings were slow to arise, but being back in a cafe made you very, very happy. You deeply missed the one you worked at.

Smelling the food. Seeing the smiles on customers faces as they ate. Chatting with the other workers. The tips... You took all of that for granted. You wished you realized how much you liked it sooner. Looking back on it now, you were glad that you worked the late night shift. It meant that you had extra time there before leaving.

Before leaving everything behind...

"Alfred, I don't think you should do that..." You and Matthew said in sync. Alfred was going to try to chug down his beverage.

Before leaving everything behind for this.

"C'mon, dudes! Show some support! It's just a soda! It can't hurt me!" Alfred said enthusiastically. Where he got his ego from, no one may ever know...

"Famous last words..." Matthew quietly replied.

"Oh yeah? I'll prove you wrong!"

You were all given drinks when you first came in. Alfred had soda while Matthew and you had water. He grabbed his cup and proceeded to try to drink it all in one sitting. His plan didn't work though. He spilled some on himself after he coughed and gagged. Matthew tried his best to stifle his laughter. However, he couldn't contain it all. A few giggles erupted from him here and there. Alfred glared at his brother. He was still coughing, and couldn't do anything to stop Matthew.

"Are you OK Alfred?" Feliciano asked. He had just arrived back from some place, and noticed Alfred's excessive gasps.

Alfred nodded.

"[Name], tell Feli I'm fine." He said with coughs interrupting his words.

"Alfred's fine, Feliciano. He just needed to be an idiot." You told him before turning back to the blond. "Take some water or something."

"Yeah, take mine. I didn't drink any yet." Matthew pushed his drink in front of his sibling.

Alfred wasted no time. He drank the water quickly. Somehow, he drank it faster than the soda. Alfred noticed this and got confused. How come the soda burned his throat and the water didn't? Was water like his super power charger?! Just like those hero movies?

"Dudes! I'm feeling better! Water has to be the thing that gives me strength. Just like all those super heroes! If I drink enough, can I get powers too?"

"No." You said. "That would be impossible."

Matthew and Alfred both looked at you. There was an unusual amount of silence. Feliciano also spaced out. He wasn't paying attention.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Alfred asked.

"Water gives you strength, yes. But it can't give you superpowers."

"Then why did the soda burn my throat and the water didn't? Explain that, [Name]. It has to be one of those super hero things."

"Well it's not. About 60% of our bodies are made up of water. Your body needs it to function. That's why the water didn't hurt you. It's a necessity for life. The soda burned you because you drank it too fast. It's a carbonated drink. Your nerves just acted out upon the pain and temperature sensations." You said. "That's just common knowledge."

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