Chapter 24 [Reader-Chan]

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Everything was soon all set and taken care of. Feliciano complimented the nice waitress one last time before leaving with you, Matthew, and Alfred. Finishing your meals meant that you all would be heading back to the apartment.

Which you did not want.

Once you reached the apartment, you would be confined there until later in the night. It wasn't being in the apartment that bothered you. It was where you would be afterwards: The gala.

You had little to no experience with galas. All you knew was that they were big parties of some sort. Either set up as a fundraiser or as a chance to flaunt wealth. You definitely know that you have to dress up, though. You have only one dress here and you can barely remember what it looks like. How embarrassing on your part. For all you know the dress is hideous and you'll have to wear it no matter what...

Ugh... Do I even have to go? Can't I stay at the apartment? You wondered. If you voice your thoughts on matter, maybe they'll be kind enough to let you stay back. But you didn't want to bet on it. Galas are usually pretty big and important events. There had to be a reason why you were forced to go.

Even if that reason was stupid and probably made zero sense.

"Feliciano?" You asked.

"Sì? Che cosa (What)?"

"Do I need to attend the gala? I really don't see the point. Plus, I'm not really someone who's into all of that." You said with hopes that he would understand. "Can I stay at the apartment?"

He thought about it. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head. Feliciano wasn't too sure about what to say.

This gala allowed the guests to bring their hybrids. It was encouraged, even. That made Feliciano really happy. Whenever he has to attend these, he usually ends up alone all night. Kiku and Ludwig do all of the important work. And if he knew someone there, they were also busy. Feliciano often just stands there—standing alone. Now that he had you, he could have someone to hang out with.

And he knew you could understand and converse with him. Matthew and Alfred never responded to him verbally since they can't. Silence only made him feel worse. Even if the silence was unintentional and uncontrollable.

One thing he used to persuade his friends into getting a hybrid was how they are perceived. Most people own hybrids, yes. However, very few actually have full on human-like qualities and traits. These hybrids were always seen in a high light. They were rare. Rarity is almost always something high class people desire to have and see. Even if they can't have it, they want to experience it. It's why so many businesses owners, politicians, and other people in high positions own hybrids. They help build networks, in a sense.

So, yeah, you probably didn't really have to go. But he wanted you to, and he figured his friends/roommates might want the same. While you were more trusting now than when you first met, he wanted you to be completely comfortable with him and his friends. All he wanted was for you to be a part of his family. He just couldn't understand why you seemed to be so against that.

Then again, he knows you had another life before meeting his friends and him. He knew that it wasn't easy to forget about that. Still, there seemed to be no way to get you back to the "home" you keep talking about. Couldn't you... Forget about it? Just for a day, at least?

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