Chapter 29 [Reader-Chan]

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The inside of the structure reminded you of the inside of a castle. The giant hanging chandlers, the large open space, fancy tables surrounding said open space... It was luxurious. How important were the humans you were living with? What world did you just gain access to?

You couldn't believe that you were attending an event like this. Pet or not, this was a rare experience for you. You stared at the brightly lit ceiling. Being in a space like this, though, made you feel so small—smaller than you already felt. You wished that you wouldn't have to be reminded of that feeling. Shoving those feelings down took some effort, but you managed to do it. After all, you didn't want this once in a lifetime experience to be spoiled.

Unknown to you, Matthew and Alfred were behind you. The humans accompanying the two were following them. Alfred's face held a big, bright smile. Matthew's face held a smaller smile, but it still had a smile nonetheless. They were heading towards your direction. You noticed their presence when Alfred started to speak to you.

"Dude! When you're with Feli and his friends, you walk pretty fast!"

"I do?" You questioned.

"Yeah! Francis is such a slow walker. He probably got that from spending too much time with Iggy. Gil and Antonio are kinda fast when walking, but they're just slower walkers when they're with him. So you walk fast when you're with Feli!" He said.

You didn't think that you walked fast. In fact, you don't even notice your walking speed. Maybe you are a fast walker. Hercules was always walking behind you. But then again, it's Hercules. He's already pretty slow.

Once Alfred finished talking, Matthew then began to speak. It was like the two took turns. When one finishes, the other fills in. Like two people reading from a script. Or like two characters speaking in a book.

"What do you think of the gala, [Name]? You've never been to one of these with us. So how are you liking it?" He asked you.

"I mean, we just got here. I haven't had much of a chance to experience it yet. But I like the building so far. It's really pretty. I can't believe I'm attending an event like this." You said.

You looked up at the ceiling. The ceiling was also pretty luxurious. It helped with some functions and also served as décor; It lit up the whole area while still looking lavish.

"What do you mean?" Matthew wanted you to be more specific with your answer.

"Well, I'm not used to this. This is really high class."

"Wait, dude. You've never experienced something like this?" Alfred interrupted. He pushed his brother away, and came closer to talk to you in an even more direct way. "Mattie and I come to these, like, once every other year. How have you never been to one of these? And, 'high class'? What are you talking about? This is just normal."

He had shock and horror written all over his face. Alfred was aware that you were different; That you were very, very different. But he couldn't quite comprehend how your life was so unlike his. He wanted to know more about you. Alfred thought that he got enough information to understand you back at the shopping plaza. Apparently, now he knows that he did not.

He did, however, realize that your past and mind were under lock and key. Alfred understood certain things about you. Yet he didn't know everything. Just when Alfred thought he knew it all, another mind boggling thing came out of your mouth. Alfred figured that he was using more brain power now than he did throughout his whole life. You made him question things. Himself, his family, his world. He's always had vision. But now he felt like this was the first time that he was learning to see.

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