Chapter 8.5 [Hercules & Sadiq]

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When Hercules and his partner finally gained back their consciousness, they noticed that they were in a cage in a dark room. And the room wasn't only dark, it also held the cages of other hybrids as well. Most noticeably, hybrids that seemed different in a not-so normal way.

There were winged hybrids that had two different colored wings or partial wings. Aquatic hybrids that were swimming in polluted water that had extra fins. Full-Body hybrids that had extra limbs were visible too. However, Hercules noticed that there were few Half hybrids. He could only count him, Sadiq and that hybrid laying down.

But when Hercules paid more attention to that hybrid, he noticed that it was dead. Terrified, he moved much closer to the Akbash Inu. Sadiq wasn't looking at the body. He was more confused by his surroundings.

"Hercules! What crazy-ass place did you take us?! This isn't a club or bar, so why do I have a headache?" The only Neko of the duo took in his words. Headache? He wasn't feeling one earlier, but now he was.

"Sadiq, what if I didn't take us here? Remember that tall... Taller human from earlier?"


"What if we were kidnapped?" Hercules suggested.

"Well if we were, I hope that bastard goes to hell!" As Sadiq said those words, a door opened up. It revealed a grinning man. A grin that was all to familiar to the one that belonged to the Italian from earlier.

All around the room, every hybrid was acting different to the man. A few were chanting sailor cusses out of anger. Or some were trying to appear smaller than they were, hiding from him out of fear. And lastly, there were hybrids that wanted to do "work", whatever that was. But only two hybrids were confused: The Neko and the Inu.

But even though they were confused, they still backed away out of fear. They didn't know where they were, but wherever it was, it wasn't a good place.

The man reached the two who were still encaged. He looked at them with greedy eyes.

"So," he began, "how did a couple of Half hybrids like you two end up so smart?" His gaze swapped back and forth between Sadiq and Hercules. Smart? They were average hybrids! Sure, they were both scientists in their own separate fields, but other than that they were just like any other hybrid.

At least back in their dimension they were.

Hercules cleared his throat. "I'm not sure what you mean..." He said in his normal tired voice. "We're just normal hybrids." But then he looked at the newcomer. "Unless we're going crazy by seeing a human..." He mumbled the last part. The last thing he needed was a crazy person on his hands.

"'Normal'? Ah, let me tell you something: hybrids are... What you say... Objects." The Italian's fingers were grasping the bars of the cage, hands were just barely entering the slots. He smiled as he found amusement in the concerned faces that belonged to the Inu and Neko.

"That's right you animals, objects. Nothing more than pawns that people use to show off their wealth. But..." He let go off the cage and spun around. "Hybrids that can speak and understand humans are the rarest and most expensive hybrids out there."

Hercules got concerned for his and Sadiq's well-being. "You and your friends are going to sell us...?"

"Oh no, of course not. That's what the other hybrids are for." He did a waving gesture to the other hybrids in the room; Clearly showing no emotional attachment to any of them. "But you and your friend could help me some other way."

"If we're not joining the black market and I get out of here, I'll do whatever you say!" Sadiq yelled without a second thought. Only that earned him a slap from Hercules.

"Ήσυχο παρακαλώ τουρκικό μπάσταρδο (Quiet please you Turkish bastard)..." Hercules hisses at him. He didn't trust this man. Sadiq was probably too stupid to realize what he could do. After all, look at all of the other hybrids in their respective cages. And the man's dismissal of them.

"Oh? A Greek speaker? Tell me your name, hybrid."

"Hercules..." As soon as Hercules said his name the person outside of the cage laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Ha ha! I wasn't expecting an answer! This just proves how lucky I am for finding you both. But tell me," he was leaning forward again, "is it spelled H-E-R-C-U-L-E-S?" Hercules nodded. "Oh! The Roman way of spelling it. My ancestors must've taken an impact on you as well. The proper Greek way of spelling it is H-E-R-A-C-L-E-S." An almost ashamed look fell on the Neko's face.

"I know. The Roman way is just easier for others..." He looked around in attempt to find an exit of some sorts. Even crawling out of a window will do.

"Others? As in, more hybrids that show cognitive function?"

"What's with you and smart hybrids? If we're so entertaining, why don't you go and find other hybrids? Preferably not us!" Anger was starting to grow in Hercules. The Neko was starting to lose patience with every second.

"Please let us go! My friend is out here somewhere... She's lost by herself." His eyes glowed and his pupils were constricted. Hercules now wondered why you liked humans so much. Look at the situation he was in. They're monsters. Even more so than the scariest hybrid.

"Alright. I'll let you go. But just you." The uniformed man said. He opened the cage door and just like that, Hercules ran out with joy. Hercules figures that once he was outside, he'd have no trouble finding you. Only he wouldn't see the sun anytime soon.

A knife cut him in the arm. Hercules stopped and held the wound. Blood caked that part of his arm now. He felt another stab in his leg before he fell to the ground.

Sadiq was yelling. The noise was almost muffled to Hercules's ears. His vision was getting blurry. He looked up to the human above him.

Above him. Humans were above hybrids in the food chain here. That point had been made clear to him now.

"Why are you like this?" Hercules croaked out. His voice sounded tired and drained. But not like the normal tired and laziness his voice held. There was a combination of pain and betrayal in there.

The human looked down at him and said, "because I am Luciano. And I can do whatever I want to creatures that are lower than me."

Hercules heard Sadiq scream next before blacking out.

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