Chapter 2

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I was at the police station working when the outbreak happened my sister Lilly picked me up, grabbing my guns, ammo and went back home to our apartment where I live with my sister Lilly, my dad, and my niece Meghan. I went on full protection mood when it came to them everyone in our apartment complex was gone I never really left the apartment complex except to get oxygen tanks from the hospital down the road for my dad who has stage 4 lung cancer. I went through all the other apartments to get food, water, and supplies there's no electricity or running water we keep ourselves entertained by talking to each other, or play different kinds of board games like checkers. I sat on the couch eating dinner spaghettios when I saw a light coming from down the hallway " Lilly grab Meghan someone's here" Lilly grabbed a baseball bat as I went to go get my gun let's say we don't get many visitors. I pushed the door back pointing my gun at a man with an eye patch and a fully grown bushy beard he took off his weapons and backpack putting them on the floor. I quickly grabbed it letting him in sitting down at the table " You look like you barely got out alive" my sister slapped my arm. " Tara" she always get embarrassed about not having any filter I Just say what I want to say. " Are you planning on staying in the building?" Lilly asked he didn't answer. " Are you planning on staying in the building?" he still didn't talk. " Holy shit with the no talking" Tara Lilly said under her breath. " My sister asked you a question" rising my voice a little bit. " Just for tonight" he whispered.

I threatened him telling him that I was part of the Atlanta city police and that I had enough artillery to kill him for a long time leaning forward " you mess with me or my family and I swear to Christ I'll put you down got it?" he slowly nodded his head. " Got it" he whispered. " Then we're cool pound it" putting out my fist when he didn't move I did it for him handing him back his gun strap taking his gun. " You got a name?" I asked. " Brian . . . Brian Heriot" Lilly took him down to the empty apartment down the hall. We were nice to him, gave him food, welcomed him into our home, we helped him and he helped us when my dad got sick turned into something else trying to bite me almost did when Brian saved my life. He protected us, took care of us something my dad could of if he could. We found a group of people just like us normal people we found them under weird circumstances Brian and Meghan fell into a hole they got them out and took us in. We all lived in RV's in a middle of a field the people were nice that's where I met Alicia my girlfriend yeah I like girls our leader died one night got drunk and fell into a hole of walkers like Brian and Meghan did in the beginning but he didn't make it Brian said it was time to find someplace better for us his family. We were about to leave one night Brian, Meghan, Lilly, Alicia, and I when the road was blocked with walkers we went back not having any other choice. Brian became our new leader I trusted him telling us he found a safer place a prison but the people who lived there killed his family, his daughter " I'm in" I was so stupid not knowing that he took hostages from the people from the prison. 

We drove to the prison the group of 30 or so of us all armed with guns and a army tank " Rick, we need to talk!" I told my Lilly and Meghan to stay at the camp I didn't want them to get hurt. A man with a grey beard came out I guess that was Rick " you and your people have until sundown to get out or you'll die" I was starting to have my doubt in him watching my girlfriend Alicia standing next to one of the hostages an old man named Hershel at gun point. I mean he's only doing what's best right boy was I wrong " I can shoot you all and you'll shoot back I know that but we'll win and you'll be dead all of you" Rick said that we can all live together a prison is a huge place it can fit everyone in there gracefully. I liked that plan nobody doesn't have to get hurt and we'll all be safe but Brian wasn't having any of it jumping off the army tank grabbing a sword going up to Hershel putting the sword against his neck. My eyes widened as I started to breath heavily " you, you in the ponytails it this what you want?, is this what any of you want?" I was too scared to say anything Rick was talking to me. I should have told him that I agreed with his plan but I didn't " I fought with him before we took some of his people in they became leaders" I looked at Brian with pleading eyes as he looked back at me starting to take the sword away from Hershel's neck. We're all gonna go into the prison and everything's was gonna be fine or so I thought " liar" putting the sword deep into Hershel's neck. I gasped everyone started firing I was too much of shock to shoot back I was petrified when Alicia came running up to me " this isn't right we're not supposed to be doing this" gun shots echoed in my ears. " We are " Alicia said. " He chopped a guy's head off with a sword" I turned to see Lilly carrying Meghan she got bit. 

Brian walked up to them casually ripped Meghan out of Lilly's arms and shot her in the head like it was nothing " we have to stay here . . . it's too late you understand me? stay behind me and if we get separated, you just go run somewhere safe and hide you hear me? you go someplace safe and hide I will find you when this is all over" the tank knock the gates down like a knife cutting through butter. We went into the prison it's starting to catch on fire from the tank bombs as more walkers appeared " grenade!" the blast left a loud ringing in my ears and my vision blurry. I was in such state of shock I walked away from Alicia without saying anything I did what she told me I went somewhere safe and hide finding a small square space behind a fence all barricaded space. Alicia got shot in the head, Lilly got swarmed by walkers, Meghan got bit everyone I love is dead I just sat there hearing all the walkers growling around me when a man named Glenn saved me taking me safely out of the prison. He lost his wife Maggie I just had to help him I owe him this we met Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene along the way Glenn and I almost died my foot got stuck under a big rock as Glenn tried to get me out about to get cornered by a bunch of walkers. When Glenn's group and Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene saved us from the tunnel of walkers. I met more of Glenn's group now it's a big group of us we had some delays along the way staying in an abandoned barn where 2 man claimed that they had a safe community called Alexandria. We went there they had a big gate that we had to go through it was a suburban neighborhood full of houses, they had electricity, and running water like it wasn't phased by the apocalypse at all I think this place is home.       

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