Chapter 7

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We walked on the empty road the sun was scorching hot today as a tear of sweat dripped down my temple " we've been walking for a week Tara anything look familiar yet?" dragging my feet. " I think so we'll make right on that turn" it seemed so far away. " There, we're almost there I see the gate" it looked like a mirage. " Thank the lord I thought we'll never get here" as we got closer to the gate. I read the sign ' welcome to Alexandria safe zone mercy for the lost vengeance for the plunders' " Eugene!" he had a mullet dude it isn't the 1970's anymore. The gate opened Tara and that guy Eugene hugged " Tara's home and we have a newcomer" a short blonde hair women came up to us. " Who's this?" the short women asked. " y/n, I found her and she helped me find my way back home. I told her that this place is safe her old place gotten overrun by walkers" the place was a suburban neighborhood it was a pretty big place. " I need you to turn over your guns" I tightened my grip on my rifle. I don't trust these people, I don't know what they can do what they are capable of " you didn't tell me that I hand over my life" with no gun I might as well be dead. " We don't need them inside here walkers can't get in" watching Tara hand over her 2 rifles. I was still hesitant " it's okay Tara why don't you go freshen up and see everyone y/n come with me" I didn't want Tara to leave me but I can't show any weakness to these people.

I followed her to a house people sat on their porches talking, children played in the streets people young and old. She lead me into her house " have a seat" I sat in one of the chairs. " Can I film this?" putting a video camera in front of me. " Sure" Deanne sat on the couch giving me a light smile. " So, y/n how long were you out there?" I looked around the room. " Since the beginning" it made me think of my parents. " Did you have people, a camp?" I shook my head. " No, um . . .  I've been on my own traveling around till I found shelter in a Costco stocked with food, water, supplies. It wasn't safe at first cleared it out and barricaded everything  for any of those things to come in stayed there for about a year and a half. I was running out of food and water when Tara found me she was running away from those things she came in uninvited not that long after my home was surrounded by those things she told me about this place thought she was insane we wouldn't last in there so we packed the rest of the food and water and ran" I would have been a goner by now. " You have any left?" I shook my head. " We had enough for 3 days took us a over a week to get here Tara said that you guys had jobs, help each other out" I want to be worth of something. " Yes, I'll let you get settled and for your ankle to heal. I'll take you to the infirmary to get checked out" what does this place not have. " No, I'm fine just been walking for days haven't gotten that much of a break gonna ice it, evaluate it . . . I-I mean if I could stay" she gave me a smile and a slight nod. " Thank you" we walked back to the front.  

A girl around 15 years old came out " Enid this is y/n she's a part of this community now" we didn't exchange a single word. " They're still your guns you can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall but inside here, we store them for safety" I let out a deep breath I'm safe here now. " I had over my rifle and 2 pistols to the teenage girl. " There you are I've been looking all over for you" Tara said walking up to me with a man with short brown curly hair he was cleanly shaved. Tara was clean no more dirt or blood staining her skin and wearing different clothes " is that all your guns" Deanna asked. " Yes, bullet free" slapping my hands at my sides. " y/n is gonna stay with you and your roommates is that alright with you?" Tara gave me a smile. " I wouldn't have wanted it either way this is Rick he's the leader of my group" we shook hands as Deanna walked away. " Tara told me that you saved her life" I shrugged. " She saved mine we got each others back" he looked at both of us. " That's how it works with us we're family" we walked down towards the end of the street. " Tara said nothing but positive things about you guys I want to do my part" we stopped at a 2 story grey house. " We'll be glad to have you on our side Tara told us how you could fight come over to my place for dinner meet the rest of the gang I'm 4 houses down" I nodded my head. " I'll be there" he patted my shoulder walking away. " Rosita and Abraham are inside and you met Eugene at the gate" the house was painted white inside with brown furniture. 

I walked into the kitchen rubbing my hand against the smooth marble top turning on the faucet to see water coming out " amazing, isn't it" I looked up to see a short Latina women. " y/n, this is Rosita" she brought me in for a hug took me by surprise. " Tara's told me that you are a strong fighter saved her ass more than a couple of times. We need more people like you here the people here are stupid and naive haven't been or lived on the outside" a tall, broad man with with red hair and a beard walked down the stairs. You can feel him coming from his loud footsteps " Abraham this is y/n" we just stared at each other. " Are you gonna be staying with us?" I held my head up high. " Why, yes I am big guy" he chuckled. " I like you " Tara and Rosita lead me upstairs to my room. 

The bedroom was plain just a single bed, dresser and closet " wow, an actual bed I've been sleeping in trees and a steel floor since this all started" I'll sleep like a baby tonight. " Showers around the corner, towels are under the sink" I turned on the shower holy shit they have hot water, taking off my clothes hopping into the shower watching all the dirt and blood go down the drain. The hot water felt good against my skin they have shampoo, conditioner, soap, razors. I spend a lifetime in there it's been a very long time might as well enjoy it wrapping a towel around myself wiping the fog off the mirror. I looked like a stranger to my own self on my bed was black pants and a denim button up shirt putting them on rolling the sleeves past my elbows leaving my hair down to air dry. I put one knife into my boot and another in it's holster walking downstairs " see, I told you that my old clothes will fit her perfectly" Rosita smiled as Tara turned around. " Wow  . . ." Tara mumbled. " Hard to recognize me without dirt or blood all over me huh when I looked in the mirror I hardly recognize myself either" I'm not the same person like I was before all this started. " You look good better than good" Tara face palmed herself making Rosita chuckle shaking her head. " Well, everyone's at Ricks waiting for the guest of honor" we walked 4 houses down. 

We can already hear people talking from the porch steps walking in everyone went silent staring at me like when you walk into class late and everyone stares at you like you murdered someone except everyone is basically a murder now. Rick stood up walking over to me " y/n, guys this is y/n she helped bring our Tara home safe and sound. She's one of us now" it felt good being a part of something. " Dinner's ready, let's eat" a woman with a southern accent said. Everyone introduced themselves to me I sat next to Tara and Carl bringing in salad, bread rolls, and pasta " holy mother of god" it smelled so good my mouth was watering uncontrollably. " y/n and I haven't eaten in days" I filled my plate so full of food it was starting to fall off.  Tara and I told the story how she found me and our journey back here the room was full of laughter and smiles everyone's so nice welcoming me into the group. " I made some cookies for dessert" Carol smiled placing down 2 trays of chocolate chip cookies. I heard crying coming from upstairs a baby " I'll get her" Carl raced up the stairs. " You settling in well y/n?" Glenn and Maggie asked. " To settling into the luxury life oh yeah thank you everybody for been so welcoming I really appreciate it. It blows my mind how people with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become a family" Carl was holding a 1 year old baby. " And who is this little trooper?" I smiled as she cooed. " Judith" he handed her to me. " Okay now I've seen it all" it was the 1st time in a long time I found somewhere I belonged.         

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