Chapter 19

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Rick called a meeting we all met in the church y/n walked in with Daryl of course " good morning, I hope you're still not mad at me from yesterday" y/n said. " I'm not mad. You were right, she needs to learn thanks for teaching her" I put out my fist. She smiled pounding it before sitting in front of us. " Why, would Tara be mad at ya?" Daryl asked. " I'm teaching Denise how to fight. I told you at dinner remember?" they had dinner together, madness came over me but I kept it hidden. " Oh, yeah sorry I was tired last night" wrapping his arm around his shoulders. " Thank you guys for coming you know that we went to the hilltop yesterday. Maggie hammered out a deal. We're getting food, eggs, butter, fresh vegetables. But they're not just giving it away. These saviors, they almost killed Sasha, Abraham, Daryl, and y/n on the road. Now, sooner or later they would've found us, just like those wolves did, just like Jesus did. They would a killed someone or some of us. And then they would try to own us. And we would try to stop them. But by then, in that kind of fight, low on food, we would lose. This is the only way to be sure, as sure as we can get, that we win. And we have to win" Rick announced. We must fight the people who almost killed 4 of us, almost killed y/n. " We do this for the hilltop, it's how we keep this place. It's how we feed this place. This needs to be a group decision. If anybody objects, here's your chance to say your peace" everyone stayed silent till Morgan stood up making all of us turn around. 

" You're sure we can do it? . . . we can beat them?".

" What this group has done, what we've learned, what we've become, all of us yes, I'm sure" Morgan nodded his head.

" Then all we have to do is tell them that".

" Well, they don't compromise".

" This isn't a compromise. It's a choice you gave them. It's a way out, for them and for us".

" We try and talk to the saviors, we give up our advantage, our safety. No, we have to come for them before they come for us. We can't leave them alive".

" Where there's life there's a possibility".

" Of them hitting us!" Rick is starting to get irritated.

" We're not trapped in this. None of you are trapped in this" everyone looks at each other. 

" Morgan . . . they always come back".

" Come back when they're dead, too".

" Yeah, we'll stop them, we have before".

" I'm not talking about the walkers".

" Morgan wants to talk to them first. I think that would be a mistake, but it's not up to me. I'll talk to the people still at home. I'll discuss it with the people on guard now, too but who else wants to approach the saviors, talk to them first?" Aaron stood up.

" What happened here, we won't let tat happen again. I won't" he gave Rick a slight nod before sitting back down.

" Looks like it's settled. We know exactly what this is. We don't shy from it, we live. We kill them all" I took my arm away from around Denise.It reminded me about what happened at the prison. We had the same talk, how I didn't fire a single shot, I lost my family from a task just like this.

" We don't all have to kill. But if people are gonna stay here . . . they do have to accept it".

We went over to Rick's place to discuss a plan with Jesus, making us a map for inside the building. So we know where to go and gave everyone their positions. I'll stay in the get away car with Jesus, father Gabriel, the man we have to get, and 2 other members from the hilltop. y/n has to go in there and fight with the others. " You nervous about tomorrow. I know you haven't done anything like this before" opening the door for her as we leave Rick's house. " No, worrying, being scared it's a waste of energy" she mumbled. " I don't want to kill people, you think I liked killing those men, no. It has to be done Rick is right we have to come for them before they come for us. I can handle my own you know that . . . it made you think of them didn't it your niece and sister. Something happened just like this" how can she always read my mind?. " I didn't like it, I didn't fire a single shot but this time is different. I . . . I just don't want to lose anyone else especially not you" we stopped walking. " Hey, I'm not going anywhere. We're in this right?" putting her finger under my chin lifting my head up. " Right" I wanted to kiss her right then and there but I had to stop myself. " You found me now you're stuck with my annoying ass, alright". 

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