Chapter 10

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We drove home in complete silence it was all Aiden's fault if he would have just listened the grenade wouldn't have gone off Noah will still be here and Tara wouldn't be hurt. I would have been in her position or a lot worse she pushed me out of harms way. Once we stopped Nicholas opened the door and ran away from us " help me get her out!" we ran to the infirmary. They stitched her head wound now she's unconscious on the bed putting a blanket over her " I just heard what happened, I came straight away" Rosita and I hugged. She held me tight " she'll get through this, she's strong. you go take a shower, and get a bite to eat. I'll watch her" I shook my head pulling a chair next to her bedside. " I'm not leaving her, It should be me in that bed. She pushed me away when the grenade went off it should be me not her" I hate this disgusting feeling inside of me. " You would have done it for her that's what we do here we save and help each other. She wouldn't have wanted you to feel guilty do you understand me?" Rosita was right. I would have done it for her too I'll do anything to protect her. " I'll reheat you some food" putting her hand on my shoulder. " Hey" it was rick. " Glenn told me what happened I want to hear your side of the story" everything replay in my head. " We're trying to figure this out y/n. I don't want anyone else to get hurt or killed" I looked at Tara then at him. 

" It was all those fuckers fault Aiden and Nicholas. Tara, Eugene, and I were away from them gathering the supplies there was a walker in a army's suit. Aiden kept on shooting at it Glenn kept on telling him to shop grenades were on it's chest he didn't listen. He could have gotten all of us killed, blown to bits there was a herd of walkers behind the gate the grenade took it down. Aiden was blown against the wall impaled like the mother from Carrie. Tara was badly hurt the place started to get crowded by walkers. We moved to a safe room Aiden started screaming Nicholas wanted to leave him there Noah and Glenn had to convince him to help them get to him. They went to Aiden our way was clear I had to get Tara to safety Eugene and I ran back to the van to get the others. Eugene drove while I tended to Tara that son of a bitch threatened Eugene that'll he'll leave him there Glenn knocked him out, and put him in the back. We got to do something Rick these people they don't know what's happening in this world now, they're blind Rick" he nodded his head. " I know". 

I haven't slept ,I couldn't Eugene came the next afternoon I gave him a light smile he grabbed a chair sitting on the other side " you think she'll wake up" playing with the food on my place. " For once I don't know but you saved her life and my life and that I thank you" he left a 2 hours later. I got up to stretch my legs grabbing a book off one of the shelves as soon as it was light it was dark again She's been out for almost 2 days what if she's one of those people who stay in a coma for 40 years . " y/n?" it was Tara she's awake. " Rosita!, here have some water " putting the straw to her lips. I helped her sit up propping the pillows behind her " thank you" she sounded so weak. " Of course" rubbing her arm before fixing her blanket. The door busted open to see Glenn drenched in blood helping a hurt Nicholas " Glenn, what happened are you okay?" rushing over to them. " I'm okay" he looked at Tara. " You guys look like shit" Glenn stared with his mouth open. " She's fine, she's okay" he limped over to here with a huge grin. " Tara?" Maggie ran into the room. " I'm okay you just check on them" I leaned Nicholas wounds. " Holy shit" it was Eugene he walked over to her. " Thank god . . . nothing happened to your air" she nervously chuckled. " Okay, Eugene's freaking me out. Somebody want to send Noah in here to protect me?" she doesn't know that Noah and Aiden are dead.  

Everyone went quiet after Rosita and I checked on Glenn and Nicholas everyone left leaving Tara and I alone " did I say something wrong?" I put the med kit away. " He's dead Noah and Aiden when the grenade went off Aiden looked like the mother from Carrie. You were hurt, got you to a safe room, you were losing a lot of blood Aiden started yelling for help. The boys went to get him they couldn't get him out walkers got him. Eugene and I weren't there we were getting you safely to the van. Eugene distracted the walkers Glenn and Nicholas got out safely till Nicholas was about to leave Glenn and Eugene there I was in the back with you so I couldn't do anything. Glenn knocked him unconscious and we went back home" Tara looked devastated her and Noah were close. " He got Noah killed?" I sighed. " They were trapped in a revolving door Glenn was trying to break the glass walkers were inside and outside the building. Nicholas pushed the door squeezing his way out opening the door for the walkers to get Noah" Glenn had to watch it all go down. " What the hell he got Noah killed and he was about to leave Glenn and Eugene there why is he still here?" she questioned. " I wanted to kill him I could have done it when he laid unconscious next to me then I thought of you what you did for me after everything I did to you. It'll get better, things will get better we just got to teach them the way.     

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