Chapter 13

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It's been a week and y/n, Daryl, Abraham, Glenn, Sasha aren't back yet my bedroom door swang open " what's wrong?" Rosita stood there. " Michonne is back" we went to the front gate meeting up with Michonne and Maggie. " Where's Glenn?" Maggie asked. " The town was overrun. He split off with Nicholas he had this idea that . . . if he lit a fire, it would stop the walkers from coming here I tried to go instead. I wanted too the fire never got lit we had to keep going I'm sorry" Magiie put her hand over her mouth in shock. " He said if he got stuck, he would find a way to send us a signal" Michonne replied. " What about y/n and Abraham?" Rosita and I asked. " They were leading the front walkers away. They still are Sasha, Daryl, Abraham, and y/n are in the same group. The back of the herd broke off they are leading the others away" we heard someone yelling in the distance. " Open the gate!" it was Rick a big herd of walkers following him must of been the other half. " Open the gate now!" we opened the gate for him shutting it just in time.  

We lost so many people already from the wolf attack now we have walkers pounding on our walls " you can hear it some of you saw it. They got back here, half of them. Still enough to surround us 20 deep" the towns people scared they've been blocked off from this. " Look, I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this but we're safe for now. The panel the truck hit seems intact we reinforced it just in case either way, the wall's gonna hold together. Can you?" Denise looked at me petrified. " The others, they're gonna be back" Rick said. " They'll be back" Rosita assured. " Daryl, y/n, Abraham, and Sasha, they have vehicles. They're gonna lead them away, just like the others and Glenn and Nicholas are gonna walk back through the front gate after. They know what they're doing, and we know what we need to do. We need to keep noise to a minimum, pull our blinds at night, even better keep lights out. We'll try to make this place as quiet as a graveyard, see if they move on".

" This place is a graveyard" one of the townspeople said. Everyone stayed quiet for a moment " the quarry broke open and those walkers were heading this way all of them. The plan that Rick put into place stop that from happening. He got half of them away" Aaron spoke out. " I was out recruiting with Daryl. I want to get into the cannery and scavenge, and Daryl wanted to keep looking for people. We did what I wanted . . . and we wound up in a trap set by those people and I lost my pack. They've must have followed our tracks those people who attacked us. They found their way back here because of me" he led those people here and they killed us everyone was in shock. 

After Rick's speech everyone went back to their jobs " I see that you're getting close to Denise what's her story? Rosita questioned. She's a nice women. I've been checking up on her since she's stressed right now about her job. " She's nice, scared to death though trying to help her get through it you know give her a confidence boost" Rosita crossed her arms. " Yeah, sure I see you visiting her everyday. Does your head still hurt or you're trying to get to know her?" I looked down at my feet. " A bit of both, I got to go" I walked to the infirmary opening the door. I stopped a book from sliding on the floor " sorry" I closed the door. " Got away from me" she sniffled. " You're still here" I joked. " Don't" I grabbed a bar-stool chair. " Kay won't tell you you're being brave either" sitting down facing her. " He hasn't woken up, his wound is infected. I don't know what the hell to do, so it doesn't really matter what I'm being".

" Yeah, but you're still here" she looked up at me. 

" Why are you here?".

" My head hurts".

" On a scale of one to ten, how bad" I stopped her. 

" I'm lying. I'm just checking on you" she gave me a light smile.

" Well . . . here I am clueless on the floor".

" You patched people up. You're helping make things better".

" I think he's gonna die and I'm so scared about what's happening in here that I can't think about what's happening out there and that's actually good. And I don't know what to do with that. I Just want him to live and for the roamers to go away and for a doctor to show up at the gates so I can go back to my apartment and keep reading war and peace . . . but here comes the end of the world".

" It's not dead yet".

" I don't know about that" I put the chair back. 

" It's not like I don't feel it" I used to be afraid like her. 

" You know, being afraid sucks" kicking the book back to her walking out the door.

I sat on my front porch sharping my knife as my thoughts went haywire y/n will be okay, y/n's not okay I didn't know what to believe. I heard footsteps looking up to see Denise putting my knife to the side as she stood in front of me " how is he?" she grabbed my cheeks putting her lips on mine. I haven't kissed a girl since Alisha at the prison. She pulled away it felt nice but I also felt guilty in a sense. She sat down next to me clearing her throat " what is it?" she looked at me. " It's the end of the world" I shook my head. " No, it's not" I like Denise. She's sweet and smart she needs someone right now and she choose me. " Yeah, being afraid sucks. Um, can you stay with me tonight just uh the roamers moans and groans. I - I'll just feel better if I had someone with me" I need to keep my mind off of y/n. I have feelings for Denise and y/n hell I don't even know that she likes girls. Denise isn't afraid to talk about her past an open book while y/n is more closed off but that's what makes her interesting trying to break her shell. Denise is here y/n isn't she probably likes Daryl anyway.   

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