Chapter 11

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After I woke up all hell broke loose in Alexandria Rick got into a fight with Jesse's abusive husband and he passed. Deanna and the town's people wants to exile Rick for taking a gun from the armory pointing it at people. He wants to save these people he had to petrified them to wake them up walkers have been coming into Alexandria it wasn't safe anymore at least for now. " No, I don't want you to go, you can't go" y/n and Abraham are leaving to help direct the herd away from Alexandria with some others. I know what it's like out there it's always a struggle I want her to be safe with me. " I have to go, they need people. We did not travel all the way over here for it to get overrun by walkers, I need this place we all do" Rosita and Abraham kissed goodbye. " If you gonna go I want to come with you" y/n put her hand on my shoulder. " You just woke up a couple of days ago no way you are going out there. Plus Eugene needs help with that guard tower you are needed here and I'm needed out there besides it's only a dry run we'll be back tonight" walking out onto the porch. Daryl was sitting on his motorcycle he never let's anyone ride on it with him. He usually like going solo but ever since y/n came he's changed his ways " sunshine, it's time to go" a fire pit burned in my chest. He gave y/n a fucking nickname I get a uneasy feeling when I see them together " you guys be safe please come home in one piece" Rosita stated. We hugged Abraham goodbye as he went to go meet the others " I'll be back later" she hugged Rosita. " Now you take care of yourself I don't want you to see you in a another hospital bed again" pulling me into a hug. My heart leaped in my chest I wrapped my arms around her I didn't want to let go she let go got in the back of Daryl's motorcycle giving us a slight wave before riding off. 

I was helping Eugene build another guard tower hammering away when this Dizziness took power over me. " You alright?" Eugene asked. " I've been having these headaches since I woke up, just got Dizzy" I groaned. " You did have a pretty good knock on your head. They'll have been pain killers in the infirmary" he helped me up walking to the infirmary. " It hams my biscuits is  all and going by cubic feet, the biggest building in expansion and we're gonna waste it on a church" I opened the cabinet looking at all the pill bottles. " Take out all the benches, that could be a lab, a machine shop, very least a sweet-ass game room. walked-in real estate is at a premium here thumpers just shouldn't get dibs" Eugene rambled. " Well, maybe we share the church, you know?"grabbing the aspirin bottle facing him. " Do all that stuff on different days. Hams my biscuits?" what does that saying even mean. " Hams my biscuits. That's all I heard" to see a blonde haired woman was she there the whole time?. " I mean, I have no idea what you said after that" she looks familiar just haven't seen her around much. " Going by cubic feet" Eugene was about to repeat himself. " I was kidding" she looked very washed. " Are you okay, Dana?" I asked. " It's Denise" tucking the hair that wasn't in the ponytail behind her ear. " Denise, I'm sorry" god that was embarrassing. " I'm okay. I'm the new doctor now. What's the aspirin for?" I was about to answer when Eugene interrupted me. " You're a doctor?" he questioned. " Are you?" Eugene and I looked at each other rising my eyebrow. " I'm sorry I, uh . . . heard that story" Eugene looked at me for guidance. I shrugged my shoulders " fair play" he mumbled. " Listen, I'm a little nervous here. I'm a psychiatrist, I went to med school I was even gonna be a surgeon but after the panic attacks. I got really interested in psychology and . . ." I smiled. " I think I'm really trying to lower exceptions here" she's one of those nervous ramblers. " Can you do this?" Eugene always has to ruin things with his big mouth. " Eugene, shut up she can do this".

" I'm all this town's got. Pete didn't want me here but I'm here now and I only kind of want to throw up . . . so why the aspirin?" She repeated. " Oh, Eugene and I were working on a platform for another guard tower. I got a little dizzy. You know, I still get headaches" she sat up closing her binder. " Sit down, I'll take a look" I sat down where she once sat. " You're my first patient, and with that symptom. I'm pretty sure I can't kill you" I chuckled. " I mean it is possible if you miss like , a hematoma or something" I glared at him. " You just take it easy, don't overwork yourself. You're still recovering from a head injury" we heard people screaming. " What's going on?" we went to the window, horn's were blaring, people laid in their lawns dead. " Holly!" Rosita and Aaron were carrying her in . She had a bad stomach wound " we need the operating table prepped. she's lost a lot of blood" I helped them lay her down on the table. " How many people are out there?" random people are killing us. " I don't know there's a lot" Aaron panted. " Rosita, you know how to stick an IV" Denise gathered up supplies. " I'm on it here hand me the tape" I put the water bag on the hook. " What about the air-horn what's happening?" Alexandria's going to hell. " I don't know I need to help. I need to try" Aaron said. " Denise, I'm gonna have to go, too" Rosita stated. " So do I!" she grabbed my arm. " You got dizzy swinging a hammer. Somebody's got to guard this place!" I ripped my arm out of her grip. 

" You can handle it".

" I can't!".

" I also believe my services would be best rendered right very here" Eugene said calmly. " What?" Aaron asked. " I also believe my services" Rosita interrupted him. " Shut up you're safe here come on!" Rosita and Aaron ran out the door. 

We put a towel, gauze on the wound trying to stop the bleeding " what's happening with her?" the machine beeped in the background. " She's bleeding internally probably severed her femoral artery she's dying".

" Okay, so the artery's severed. Can it be fixed?".

" Maybe by a surgeon" she's just gonna give up. 

" You were gonna be a surgeon".

" But I'm not" I scoffed.

" She was protecting this place. She was guarding us that's why we're here, for each other" she looked down not looking me in the eye. " You're afraid I don't care help her" Denise stayed silent. " Try help her!" we got to try. " You don't want to be a coward I know" Eugene said emotionally. " I need a abdominal binder we're gonna pull the knife".

" Okay,Okay" we took out the knife. She was going into cardiac arrest Denise starting pumping her chest " come on Holly" she flat-lined.  

Denise backed away pulling the plug making the machine stop " Denise, you tried you are a doctor" I panted.

" Just go see if it's over out there and if . . . please go all of you".

" Okay, but I just" I stuttered. 

" Good, go" I took off my bloody gloves.

" All I was gonna say is . . . ahem, make sure you get her brain" I hope y/n's okay out there.       

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