Chapter 22

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I couldn't sleep. I walked outside to see Daryl fixing his bike. " You look exhausted, got your crossbow back" he fiddled with a key-chain that said Dennis on it. That was Denise's brothers name " she found it at the store. She said that I reminded her of her brother. I failed sunshine. I killed her" his hair covered his eyes. " Did you pull the trigger? You didn't kill her, Dwight did. We didn't know that he was gonna go back" he went back to kneeling. " You're feel guilty, I know the feeling. But there was nothing you could have done. You can't change the past but you can change the future"he wants to kill Dwight like we should of had in the first place. " I'm coming with you to kill Dwight. We should of had in the first place. No more being nice" we rode to the front gate. Rosita and Abraham were on duty " where are you going?" Rosita asked. Daryl and I pulled the gate open " out" we said in sync. " No, shit. You got specifics?" we ignored him riding off. 

We drove to the train tracks " this is where it all went down. She died right there" I stared at the blooded stain on the wood. " Which way did he go?" Daryl hid his bike under some branches. " He came out of the woods" we wondered into the tall grass. " How's Tara?" we kept our weapons drawn and kept our eyes sharp. " Doing okay for what it is. She lost her girlfriend. She'll be okay, we all be in time. The world is death now Daryl we can't hide from it, have to face it head on" we heard rustling from behind the trees. I put my finger on the trigger getting ready, Daryl shot an arrow at the tree. It was Rosita, Glenn, and Michonne they followed us. The arrow went right next to Rosita's face she pulled it out of the bark " watch the hell out, asshole" Daryl ripped it out of her hand. " I did. You shouldn't have come".

" You shouldn't have left" Michonne replied. " When we split off from Sasha and Abraham, he was out there in the woods, in that burned out forest with them girls, put a gun to our heads, tied us up. We even tried to help him!" we only have one thing on our minds to kill Dwight for what he put us through and what he did to Denise. He needs to be gone " so, you think it's your guys fault?" Glenn got up into our faces. " Yeah, we know it is. We let him get away. If we would have killed him, Denise will still be alive and Eugene wouldn't have gotten shot. You guys wouldn't understand you'll say that you do but you don't. We got to do what we should have done before" we were the stupid ones for trusting them. " What, for her she's gone, guys. You're doing this for you" Glenn said. " Man, we don't give a shit" continuing to walk. Glenn went in front of us " Daryl, y/n . . . we need to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home. We need you guys, and everyone back there needs us right now" we're doing this for everyone back home, for Tara. Nobody else needs to die or get hurt from them.

" It's - - it's gonna go wrong out there" Glenn said. " We'll square it . I will. I promise you. Just come back" I know Michonne's a woman of her word but we got to do this. " We can't" Daryl said, we walked side by side. " Daryl, y/n" Glenn mumbled. " Man, we can't!" we went our separate ways. "Hey, wait up" Rosita joined us. " I can't let it go either" all 3 of us walked in silence. I heard talking, I put my arm crossed their chests, putting a finger to my lips. We followed the voices, they had Glenn and Michonne they're tied up and gagged. We put our fingers to our lips. their eyes widened, shaking their heads. Glenn tried to tell us to go back. We were about to shoot the 3 men that guarded them when we heard a gun click behind us " hi Daryl, y/n" it was Dwight. We lowered our weapons, Dwight pulled the trigger making Daryl fall to the ground. " You'll be alright" Dwight said calmly. He shot Daryl in the shoulder blade, he's bleeding " I'm gonna fucking kill you!" kneeing him in the gut, punching him in the face. The other men aimed their guns at me, Dwight chuckled as he spit out blood " I missed you most of all, feisty. I told Negan all about you, your pretty little face" rubbing his finger across my cheek. " Can't say the same about you. Was that your punishment? your face looks like shit" pointing out to the burn scar on the side of his face. " He wants to meet you, all of you better get some rest. It's gonna be a long night " everything went black.   

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