Chapter 21

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I almost told her, almost, just didn't have the balls to tell her " what about you, like anyone?" she smiled looking down. " You do, who is it?" I bet it's Daryl he never acts like that around anyone. " If you won't tell me who your crush is. I won't tell you who she is either" did she just say she. " She . . . it's a woman. I d- didn't know that . . ." I stuttered. " That you and Denise aren't the only ones who like girls".

" I just always thought that you liked Daryl. You guys being very close and all".

" Daryl and I clicked instantly. We tell each other everything. He's my best friend" I gasped dramatically. 

" I thought I was your best friend".

" You're more than that. Anyways we should get going it's almost dark outside. And we still have to get back to the car".

We got back to the car safely. I felt some sort of uneasiness when we pulled up to the gates. I flashed the car lights, the gates open and we parked the car. We were unloading everything when Daryl walked up to us " the run was a success. We didn't find any food but we found lots of clothes and hygiene supplies. What's a matter?" emotion filled Daryl's eyes. " It's Denise" my heart dropped. " Is she okay?" he looked at me then down at his feet. " She's gone got shot by an arrow. It happened so suddenly. I'm so sorry Tara" I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. I broke down in tears and went into y/n's arms " she's gone, she's dead" she rubbed my back as I sobbed into her chest. " I'm gonna take Tara home" I need to know. " I want to know everything. you at least owe me that" he nodded his head.  " Let's go sit on my porch and I'll tell you everything" y/n still kept her arms around me. " Tell us every single detail" y/n said. " She found this place. She wanted to check if it had medicine. Just Rosita and I didn't want her to go, she convinced us to let her come. Everything was going by normally, the place was stocked with medicine. Rosita and I were gathering everything when she ran out the door, she must of saw something in the back room. We were walking back she almost got killed by a walker to get a cooler for a  can of soda. We were out in the middle of the railway tracks yelling" he sighed. " She told us that she loved you Tara. She didn't tell you cause she was afraid. She went out there to get you a present" she went out there knowing that she was afraid of that world to get me a present. I was ignoring her for weeks and she went out there to face her fears. I treated her so horribly since y/n came back I feel so guilty. 

" Sunshine, he's back. Dwight and some of the saviors. He was the one who shot Denise" y/n unwrapped her arms around me. " What, you mean that guy who captured us in the woods. The one we helped and stole our stuff" y/n run her fingers through her hair. " He went back. We should have killed them when we had the chance" y/n paced the wooden floor. " He got Eugene, Abraham was hiding behind some barrels. Eugene bit him in the fucking nuts gave us a opening. We had a shoot out, he got away and Eugene got shot. He'll be okay, he's in the infirmary. I buried Denise with the others if you wanna go see her" we walked behind the pine trees. I sat on the ground " she was a good person and a good friend. She's in a better place now, she's with her brother".

" I just want to be alone right now".

" Okay, I'll wait for you by the curb" she kissed the top of my head ,hearing her walk away.

" I'm so sorry Denise for the way I treated you. You didn't deserve that. We were there when we needed each other. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me today. You're with your brother now. I know how much you missed him. I'll never forget you, love you Denise" y/n's back was turned to me. I put my hand on her shoulder" I want to go home" I held my hand out, she took it.

We walked back to our house in silence " I'm sorry, Tara" Rosita pulled me into a tight embrace. She was there, saw everything " I'm sorry too" I mumbled. " We're here for you if you need anything" Rosita said. " Thanks, I uh just want to be alone right now. I'm gonna take a hot bath" the water was steaming. It burned my skin the pain felt good. Why did it have to be her, the person who captured y/n and Daryl killed Denise. Why does everyone I love die in bad man's hands first my family and Alisha died in the governors hands now Denise in Dwight's aka Negan's hands. The house was dark except for y/n's bedroom light lightened up the dark hallway. I watched as she hang pictures on her bedroom wall " I know you there" I sat on her bed. " I got what she requested. She said that she heard you talking about crush soda in your sleep, that's what we were whispering about this morning. Denise didn't know if you liked or not do you?" I licked my dry lips. " It's my favorite" she pulled a 6-pack from her backpack. " There wasn't only Doritos in the back" handing me one. " To denise a beloved friend and girlfriend" tapping cans it tasted exactly how I remembered. " I took it a couple of days ago. I know she wouldn't have wanted her picture taken. So I sneakily took one" handing me a picture of Denise.

 So I sneakily took one" handing me a picture of Denise

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   " How can a good day turn tragic in a second?" y/n sat next to me.

" I don't know probably to show us that anything can happen any minute. Don't take life for granted cause it can be over in a second. I think everyone learned that today".

In this together Tara Chambler x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu