chapter 4

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I got separated from the group on our run I was out of ammo and walkers are starting to pop everywhere running up to an Costco the front doors were locked and barricaded finding my way through a window it was dark and mostly empty walking up and down the isles till a bullet almost hit me. I'm not alone I gasped running not knowing where the shooter was dodging all of the bullets till I ran into a corner I was trapped. A girl jumped down in front of me putting her rifle in my face she was dirty dirt and blood all over her and her hair all mated hanging over her shoulders looked like a wild animal after a meal. My eyes widened as I lowered my spear down kicking it towards her as I panted out of breath " you have any other weapons?" I shook my head knowing my gun is useless without bullets. " Hi, I just uh . . . I didn't mean too" I chuckled nervously. " You didn't mean to come into my home running from those things" watching her put her finger on the trigger. " Look, I'm cool I'm not here to hurt anyone" she chuckled. " There isn't anyone" taking a step closer making me run my back into the wall. " I'm sorry I just walked in . . .  crawled I'm sorry" she looked very serious, intimating. " I can just go . . ." she didn't move. " Okay, this is cool too we can just keep doing this" all I saw was the butt of the rifle. 

I woke up in a room handcuffed to a pipe ugh my head hurts " hello sleeping beauty have a nice nap" to see the girl standing a few feet away from me. " Wow, um but maybe" lifting up my hand that was handcuffed. " Not till I know I can trust you" handing me a water bottle. I chugged it downing feeling the liquid go down my throat " I'm y/n" I looked around the room just full of boxes mainly. " Tara" I mumbled. " So, where are you from?" really you have me handcuffed to a pipe and you want to know my life story. " Atlanta, . . . a long time ago I just stayed on the move my friend and I. We've been traveling around on our own for a couple of years now" she tilted her head furrowing her thick eyebrows. " Friend, you came alone I watched you" she watched me come in. " We got separated" she walked up to me. " What were you doing here?!" rising her voice making me jolt a little. " We were scavenging and we got attacked by walkers the dead we were trying to get away from them and I got lost" she looked very agitated. " You didn't answer my question!" she gritted through her teeth. " I didn't, what was the question?" my mind is just moving so fast under pressure here. " What were you doing here?" repeating the question.  " I wanted to see if it was safe still not sure" pointing to the handcuff on my wrist. " Look, I'm sorry that I freaked you out really" she sighed unlocking the handcuff. I rubbed my wrist " don't try anything, you hungry?" I stood up. " You have food?" I followed her out of the room. " Not much anymore only for a couple of days or so" leading me into a bigger room. " Their's mainly canned food left getting scares on water now sit" it was a outdoor patio seat a small table with 2 chairs. " Hope you like beans" handing me a big can of beans and a spoon. " Let's talk have a nice meal" she had the same thing as me.

I scarfed down my food barely letting a breath in " when was the last time you ate?" these beans are so good. " Do soy-sauce packets count as food" she sat across from me with her arms crossed across her chest. " Is it just you here?" she nodded her head taking a bite of beans. " Yep, been on my own for 3 years now found this place like a year ago" I wonder what it's like been alone for such a long time."I come from a community and that's really what it is, we live with each other, help each other. We have walls, houses" she pushed her chair back standing up getting into my face. " You lied to me you said that you've been traveling with a friend" grabbing a pistol from it holder around her waist pointing it at me. " yeah, I was lying" she threw my food off the table to the wall. " Get up, get up!" I put my hands up standing. " y/n . . ." she handcuffed me. " Shut up, move!" she took me upstairs to the roof. " Look, what you did" their was walkers all around the building. " What if I just push you off right here and now it'll distract them buy me some time to get out of here. I bet that place you were talking about was a lie" she whispered into my ear. " No, y/n Alexandria is a real place they have running water, electricity, and I did get lost I was on a run getting supplies with my friends my people are good people" I can feel the gun digging into my temple. " You're lying there's no way that their's a place like that not right now you're delusional" pushing me even closer to the edge. " Come with me we can pack the rest of the food and water and we can go y/n please" I begged. " You can't live like this forever" I panted. " I think I can I'm better by myself I can handle myself" is this the end for me. " you can't be by yourself forever sooner or later you're gonna need a friend we can protect each other" she pulled me back making me fall to the ground. " We'll be safer there than here" my body ached. " We can't get out of here Tara their's too many of them how far even is Alexandria from here?" I looked down not knowing.   

y/n scoffed " y/n, just uncuff me and I'll find a way back to Alexandria where both of us can be safe I promise" she sighed uncuffing me. " I have another gun you can use that piece of shit spear of yours won't do shit right now" we packed all the food and water handing me a backpack. " Let's check the back see if it's clear give me a boost" she put her foot in my hand lifting her up. " There's some but I think we can fight our way through" we moved the shelf. " You stay in front of me I'll cover you" I put out my fist she looked down then back up at me. " We're in this together right?" she nodded as we fist bumped. " Go" we went outside stabbing and shooting the walkers that were in our path almost getting it a couple of times. 

The road was empty for now " I'm running out of ammo" only have a couple rounds left. " Yeah, me too we can't waste anymore unless it's necessary" we walked till we came to a highway that was blocked by a big garbage truck. We climbed on top of it " Is there more?" y/n asked. " Yeah, a lot I had to get through her to get to your place. we'll use the cars for cover until we can't no more" tying my shoes. " Then what?" we look at each other. " We'll run, I love to run it's my favorite thing" y/n shook her head. " We'll never make it" I put my hand on her shoulder. yes, we will" she handing me my spear. " Okay, let's go" we climb down quietly and quickly as possible. I got 2 walkers from behind when the tarp fell down revealing 30 or more of them " Up, on that side Tara go!" their was a line of cars on either side. We ran on top of the cars dodging the walkers till there wasn't any cars left leaving 20 or so walkers in my path. I stabbed one when I was fighting one off of me y/n shot it in the head making me turn. " Go, I got you!" I shook my head. " I'm not leaving without you!" y/n shot down a couple of more. " I'll be behind you your people need you not me!" I was fighting my way through the herd of walkers. " Tara, I'm out of ammo!" the walkers we dodged in the beginning caught up swarming the van y/n was on top of. " Use your knife!" she got a couple but too many we're grabbing at her struggling. " Y/n, I'm coming!" getting the ones that were coming towards me. " I'm coming!" there's too many. " No, go!" trying to fight my way to here as I struggled with a couple trying to get me. " We're in this together!" she looked at me. " I know I'm gonna jump and we're gonna run, don't look back go!" I watched her jump off the van stabbing a couple of walkers. " Run Tara run!".         

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