Chapter 24

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I woke up in a back of a van, ugh my head. It's the second time I got knocked out by this dick. Inside was pitch black only can see a little bit of light shining through the door cracks " sunshine" Daryl was next to me. " Daryl you alright? Glenn, Michonne, Rosita you here?" he caught all 5 of us. " The fucker shot me in the shoulder. We got to get out of here"our guns are gone along with Michonne's sword. " Can't they have people blocking us in, a lot of them" Michonne whispered. We heard whistling, people talking, we couldn't make out what they were saying " let's get the others right now. Dwight!" the light blinded us. " Come on. You got people to meet" he pulled us out one by one. I heard Glenn call out Maggie's name it must mean more of our people are here. Dwight pulled me out by my arm. They had Eugene, Carl, Rick, Abraham, Sasha, my breathing stopped when I saw Tara towards the end of the line on her knees. Dwight forced me on my knees. Tara and I eyes never left each other, everything I do is to protect her. Theirs so many of them, men surrounded us from behind and to the side no way out. 

Negan came out of the RV he rambled and rambled about how we killed his people. Everyone was terrified, the look on Tara's face broke me. Daryl grabbed my hand and I held it tightly " but you killed people a whole damn lot of them. More than I'm comfortable with. And for that you're gonna pay. So, now . . . I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you" he's gonna kill one of us. All these people I love. they are my family. I'm in love with Tara if anything happens to her, he'll have to kill me too. " All this, all this is just so we can pick out who one of you gets the honor" he walked down the line, whistling that annoying ass tune. " Now, which one of you is y/n?" Daryl gripped my hand tighter. " She's right here" Dwight said from behind me. I sat up tall, looking at him straight in the eye. He raised his bat over his head " No, no!" Tara got out of the line. Dwight tackled her down " Stop it. Leave her alone!" I shouted as Dwight put the crossbow to her face. " Nope, get her back in line" Dwight dragged her back in line. " No, no. Don't, don't!" Tara cried, I wanted to run to her to console her but I couldn't. " All right, listen. Don't any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down no exceptions, first one's free. It's an emotional moment, I get it" pointing back at Tara with that grin. " You don't scare easily do you?" bending down my level. " Dwighty-boy has told me all about you. Yes, he did. You got one of my men bit, Wade had to cut his arm off, he turned in the end. We found bits of pieces of my highest men in the middle of the road. Did you do that too?" I smirked at him. " Damn, right I did. And I'll do it again" I said in complete confidence. " I like you. Lucky for you Lucille's not feeling thirsty for you today. I can't beat a pretty face" running his fingers across my cheekbone before standing up. 

" Sucks, don't it. The moment you realize you don't know shit. I gotta pick somebody. Everyone's at the table waiting for me to order" he whistled, swinging his bat around. " I simply can't decide" he chuckled. " I got an idea eenie . . ., meenie . . ., miney . . ., mo . . ." he pointed his bat to each one of us. " Catch . . ., a tiger . . ., by . . ., his toe, if . . ., he hollers . . . , let him go, my mother . . ., told me . . ., to pick the very best one . . . and you are . . . it. Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that" slamming his bat into Abraham's skull. " Oh, look at that. Taking it like a champ" Abraham sat back up, blood rolling down his forehead. " Suck . . . my . . . nuts" Negan continued hitting in the head with the baseball bat. " Did you hear that. He said, suck my nuts phew" all there was left was brain matter on the gravel. " Oh my goodness. Look at this. You guys, look at my dirty girl" walking up to Rosita who's sitting next to me. I grabbed her hand, she held it tight " sweetheart . . . lay your eyes on this" putting the bloody bat to her face. " Oh, damn were you. were you together. that sucks but if you were, you should know there was a reason for all this. Red an hell, he was, is, and will ever be red. He just one or six or seven for the team" Daryl started to breath heavily, letting go of my hand. " Don't" I whispered. " So, take . . . a damn look. Take a damn look!" Daryl sprang up, punching Negan in the jaw. It took 2 men to get him down to the ground. " NO, oh no, that oh, my that . . . is a no-no. The whole thing not one bit of that shit flies here" everyone's crying silently and shook with terror. 

Dwight put the crossbow to Daryl's head " do you want me to do it?" I swear to fucking god if he does anything to him. Negan pulls the hair away from Daryl's eyes " no. No, you don't kill them . . . not until you try a little" they dragged him back in line. " And anyway . . . that's not how it works. Now, I already told you people first one's free, then what'd I say? I said I would shit that shit down. No exceptions. Now, I don't know what hind if lying assholes you've been dealing with . . . but I'm a man of my word. First impressions are important. I need you to know me so . . . back to it" he picked Glenn. He would never see his baby grow up. Glenn sat back up, blood covered his face, one of his eye's was out of it's socket. " Buddy, you still there?" he was chocking on his blood. Maggie looked absolutely heartbroken " I just don't know. It seems like you're trying to speak, but you just took a hell of a hit. I just popped your skull so hard, you eyeball just popped out, and it is gross as shit" my stomach churned about to come up my throat. " Maggie, I'll find you" Glenn stuttered. " Oh, I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry" that's fucking bullshit. " I truly am but I did say it. No exceptions!" he hit him, and hit him till he was like Abraham.  

Negan then dragged Rick to the RV. Nobody moved, or talked till they came back at dawn " here we are. Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you know what that little trip was about?" whatever it was he got it now. " That trip was about the way you looked at me. I want to change that. I wanted you to understand. But you're still looking at me the same way . . . like I shit in your scrambled eggs and that's not gonna work. Get some guns to the back of their heads " Tara and I looked at each other. " Good, now . . . level with their noses, so if you have to fire . . . it'll be a real mess" he made Carl lay next to Rick almost making Rick chop Carl's arm off. He was about to do it when Negan stopped him. Rick was a mess screaming, crying, gasping for air he was terrified " Rick, you answer to me. You provide for me. You belong to me right?" Rick quickly nodded his head. " Speak when you're spoken too!" grabbing Rick's cheeks. " You answer to me. You provide for me!" provide for you Rick stuttered. " You belong to me, right?!" Rick breathed heavily. " Right" he whispered. " Now that . . . is the look I wanted to see" a terrified look, didn't you get enough terrified looks in the past 12 hours. Negan picked up the axe " we did it all of us, together . . . even the dead guys on the ground. Hell, they get the spirit award. for sure. Today was a productive day. Now I hope, for all your sake . . . that you get it now . . . that you understand how things work. Whatever you had going for you . . . that is over now. Ah. Dwight . . . load him up" I grabbed Daryl's arm. " No, no!" they ripped him out of my grip, throwing him into the back of the van where we once were. " Don't worry I have special plans for you darling, just want to wait for the perfect timing" Negan smiled, as he twirled a strand of my hair around his finger. " Welcome to a brand new beginning, you sorry shits. I'm gonna leave you a truck, keep it use it to cart all the crap you're gonna find for me. We'll be back for our first offering in one week, until them ta-ta".         

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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