Chapter 8

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It's been a couple of days since we got back to Alexandria everyone in our group really likes y/n she gets along with everyone. y/n and Daryl have been getting really close they talk on his porch which is surprising cause Daryl doesn't like anyone near him or talk to him unless he's known them for a long time he still doesn't talk to me not really. Come to think of it they are quite similar don't give 2 shits about anything, have harsh and mean attitudes, a fighter but will also put their life on the line for someone else y/n has done that plenty of times. " Penny for your thoughts?" I jumped. " Abe, you startled me" he sat next to me. " I saw the way you were looking down y/n's shirt at dinner last night brings back past memories" Rosita was basically half naked when I met her I couldn't help it. " I barely know her she doesn't like to talk about her past or the things she likes trust me I tried" I want to know all of her layers but she is a tough shell to crack. " You know her well enough. You like her?" I shrugged. " You're joking right the way you looked at her when she came downstairs" Rosita said crossing her arm across her chest. " I never seen her like that or see her act the way she did that night. She's usually really harsh and can fuck some shit up if she wants too" I don't know what I'm feeling I didn't feel this with Sam or Alisha. " So can you" Rosita went to her guard post, and Abraham went to the construction site with some others gathering more scrap metal. 

" Why, can't I come with you?!" y/n asked walking after Daryl. " Cause you can't!" y/n walked up to me. " I just want to do my part. My ankle is good I can walk just fine" I buttoned up my flannel. " how about we go for a walk get to know your surroundings I used to get lost" we walked around for a bit. Aiden and Nicholas walked up to us " hi Tara . . . and y/n right?" y/n crossed her arms. " who are you?" y/n asked. " Aiden, he's Deanna's son the one who interviewed you. She runs the place and Nicholas is his friend" I introduced. " y/n, I heard you got experience fighting walkers off, making supply runs" Aiden said. " yeah, what's it to ya?" y/n said defendlingly . " We're going on a run today?" I asked. " Just a dry run show y/n the terrain outside the walls, see how she does. Weigh each others sack a little, you know?" god he's so annoying. " No, I don't but cool" y/n looked very serious. " What about weapons?" he grabbed his backpack. " Oh, yeah we pulled out some sweet-ass biscuits for today" handing each of us a pistol. " I want my rifle back" I checked the barrel. " Well, I picked these ones out and there they'll stay" we walked out the front gate. 

" We've made it 53 miles out so far" Nicholas said proudly. " We break into 2 groups when she step outside our vehicle if shit hits, we fire a flare one group get the other" we went deeper into the woods leafs and twigs break under our feet. " Good system" y/n mumbled. " It is still you're standing here cause we lost 4 people last month thought it was 5" looking back at me. " What happened?" y/n asked. " We were on a run , roamers came out, they didn't follow the system. They were good people they were just scared . . . look, I can be a hard ass" y/n snickered. " And I know I'm a douche-bag. Someones got to call the ball around here and that someone is me. If you're on this crew, you do exactly as I say" y/n lightly grabbed my arm putting her lips to my ear. " I do whatever I want to do. I'm not gonna listen to those amateurs neither should you" y/n whispered into my ear making a shiver go down my spine. " Managed to snag one of the dead heads that took them down strung it up there" Nicholas said. " What, why?" we looked at each other. " Now we have a pregame ritual get our heads straight" Nicholas said. " Remind us what we're up against" walking up to a tree only to see guts hanging from a chain. " Son of a bitch help me find it look at this shit" Aiden took the chain off the tree " Blood's still wet it's nearby" they started whistling loudly. " Shhh!" y/n walked up to them. " hey, it's gone" y/n said harshly. " It took down one of our friends it's nearby, we're not letting it go" they continued to whistle loudly. " These people are fucking idiots looking for a walker let's get out of here" the walker cam from behind Aiden. " Hey, over here come on, hey come on, come at me!" Nicholas distracted the walker making it come towards him as Aiden grabbed it's wrists from behind. y/n aimed her gun at it " no, don't touch it back off!" Aiden held onto it. 

I took out my knife he lost his grip now the walker is facing towards him trying to bite him. He pushed it at me back skin peeled off as I tried to get a grip on it " no, no hold onto it!" now it was facing me grabbing a hold of it by it's neck. y/n stabbed it in the head letting it fall to the ground " hey, what the hell?!" Aiden yelled. " Yeah, what the hell?" the walker almost got me because of him. " I don't know what happened it just walked into my knife" y/n said innocently. " What is your problem?!" grabbing y/n by the collar of her shirt pushing her into a tree. " My problem is that you almost got her killed!" she was defending me. " I told you all to stay back. I told you to listen to everything damn thing I said" y/n gave him a toothless grin. " You did that on purpose pushing that walker into her and I don't take orders from anybody especially not you!" pushing him back. 

We walked back to Alexandria " you need a new gig you're not ready yet" y/n chuckled. " Yeah, pretty sure you got that backwards" Aiden grabbed y/n's shoulder turning her around. " Look, we got a way of doing things around here" y/n only got more pissed. " You tied a walker to a fucking tree. We're supposed to kill them, they want to kill you can you get that through your pea sized brain it's. not. a .fucking .pet " they rolled their eyes. " It killed our friend look, I'm not having this conversation. You obey my orders out there" Daryl and the townspeople started to gather around. " Then we're just as screwed as your last run crew" he got into y/n's face. " Say it again" I started to have enough. " No, back off Aiden" he shoved y/n back. " Come on man just take a step back" he shoved her again. " Come on, you think you're so tough" y/n doesn't look phased. " Walk away before do something I defiantly won't regret" Deanne runs up. " Aiden, what's going on?" she asked. " This girl's got a problem with the way we do things here. Why did you let her in?" he did not just say that. " Because I actually know what I'm doing out there mommy's boy" he took a swing at her. She ducked " Aiden, no that's enough!" y/n punched him in the face making him fall to the ground. Nicholas went to attack her when Daryl body slammed him into the ground. Rick and everyone got back in the nick of time. Rick grabbed Daryl from behind " let's not do this now" Rick said. " Tell him" Rick pulled Daryl up from choke holding Nicholas as he gasped for air. " You want to end up on your ass again. You leave Tara and I alone got it next time mommy won't be here to protect you" y/n kick his side. " y/n you proved your point" grabbing her arm Rick had to block Daryl from attacking again.

" I want everyone to hear me okay y/n's a part of this community now as equal!" everyone stayed quiet. " Understood?" looking at her son. " Understood" y/n make him a evil glare. " All of you turn in your weapons then you two come talk to me " pointing to Aiden and Nicholas. We turned in our weapons as those fuckers walked away " thank you" y/n looked at me I rubbed my hand up and down her arm. " For what?" she's thanking y/n for beating up her son. " For knocking him on his ass" y/n chuckled grabbing a hold of my hand. " Anytime". 


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