Chapter 17

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Everyone worked hard to put Alexandria back together and everyone went back to their jobs and back on the normal routine. I officially moved in with Denise, I really like her but I miss y/n and everyone. y/n and I are on a guard shift right now " sunshine!" it was Daryl of course. I rolled my eyes " what's up?!" I don't like them together. Why am I acting and feeling like this I'm with Denise " Rick and I are going on a run, wanna come?" she denied his offer. " Sunshine, huh, he must really like you" we watched as they drove away. " No, it's not like that" seems like they're getting closer and closer everyday. " You know he doesn't warm up quickly. He didn't speak to me or looked my way for months when I first met him. He asks you to go on runs, he isn't afraid to talk to you" leaning forward against the platform. " What are you trying to say?" I shrugged. " You like him?" she ignored me. " What about you and Denise. You guys to hit it off very quickly, I was only gone for 2 weeks" we did, but everything's been different since she came back. " I was having one of my headaches, got dizzy. When I was helping Eugene build that guard tower went to get some pain killers. She was there, she was having a hard time adjusting to everything with patients and the new world. She got afraid after the 1st attack, and she kissed me" thinking back at that moment. " I like her, a little naive but we all were once. She'll learn quickly she got you" she is very innocent and sensitive everyone has different qualities. 

After my guard shift I went to see Denise " hey, you" the infirmary was empty. " Hey, how was your shift?" we pecked lips. " Fine, been quiet all day. Rosita and Abraham came by they invited us over to their place for dinner gonna clean up around here and we'll go" I helped her clean the infirmary and we quickly freshened up. We walked around the block to my old place, knocking before we walked in " hello?" Denise called out. " In the kitchen" y/n and Rosita were in the kitchen cooking. " Hey guys, you're early. The boys are freshening up dinner will be ready in a few" Rosita hugged us both. " Hey, Rosita turn up the music I love this song" it was Selena. Rosita's favorite singer she blasts her all the time.

" I could lose my heart tonight, if you don't turn and walk away ' cause the way I feel I might. Lose control and let you stay" Rosita and y/n singed loudly. 

" Cause I could take you in my arms and never let go" Rosita grabbed y/n's hand as they danced. Rosita spun y/n around as y/n swayed her hips, fuck.

" I could fall in love with you, I could fall in love with you. I can only wonder how touching you would make me feel. But if I take that chance right now tomorrow will you want me still" it was a love song. I wasn't thinking or looking at Denise.

" So I should keep this to myself and never let you know. I could fall in love in love fall in love with you" y/n probably doesn't even like girls. She probably loves Daryl just too shy to admit it.

" And I know it's not right and I guess I should try to do what I should do but I can fall in love, fall in love with you baby" I really like Denise, she's a great person but I think starting to lose romantic interest in her. 

" So I should keep this too myself and never let you know. I could fall in love, fall in love with you" I'm gonna keep this feeling for y/n to myself. I have Denise now I don't want to hurt her. 

" Hey, you okay?" Denise asked putting her hand on my shoulder. " Yeah, I'm fine" we sat at the table. We were having boiled vegetables and white rice " looks good" y/n sat next to Eugene and Abraham. I wanted her to sit next to me she looks and feels so far away. We talked had a couple of laughs, I didn't talk that much at dinner to invade in my thoughts. " Thanks for dinner guys, next time It'll be at our place" we said. We got home and changed into some comfy clothes " you sure were quiet at dinner. You usually talk up a storm, you feeling sick or something?" putting her hand on my cheek. " just tired" we fell asleep. 

The sound of knocking on the front door woke us up turning on the porch light opening the door to see y/n " hey, sorry to wake you guys up" we let her in. " Everything alright?' Denise asked. " Yeah, it's just . . . let's just say Abraham and Rosita are really enjoying each others company. First it was in the kitchen, then the shower, all the way to their bedroom and Eugene is listening at the door. Anyways, I just want some peace and quiet it's a concert and a earthquake in there. Rosita's really loud and their bed is right up against my wall" Denise told her that she can sleep in one of the patients beds. " Thank you Denise I would have asked Daryl but he's still on that run with Rick" has y/n been sleeping at Daryl's house?. A fire burned inside my chest " good night" Denise fell right back asleep now I'm bright eyes and bushy-tailed knowing that y/n is downstairs. 

I went downstairs to get a snack and a drink turning on the kitchen light. y/n was sleeping in one of the empty beds, her hair was covering her face, her lips slightly parted. She looked so peaceful not the firecracker that everyone knew I put her hair behind her ear. Next thing I knew I was on the ground something cold pressed against my neck" y/n, it's me!" I whispered yelled. " Tara, shit you scared me" turning on the lamp. " Yeah, I can see that" grabbing my hand lifting me up. " Sorry, past extent. When you live by yourself, you don't really expect anyone to creep up on ya. What are you doing up?" her half sleep voice drove me insane. " Can't sleep, want some tea?" she sat on the counter. " Sure, you were quiet at dinner, anything you want to talk about?" I shook my head. " You can tell me you know I'm good at keeping secrets" I stayed quiet. " or not" she said under her breath. " You know that Rosita and Abraham do it anywhere. They don't care, one time before we got to this place they did it in a church. Eugene always watches them they think it's funny" y/n gagged making me laugh. " Why, were you asking me all of those questions about Daryl this morning?"  nervousness took over me. " I don't know just curious I guess like we're friends. We're supposed to tell each other this kind of stuff" it felt weird calling her a friend. I don't want to be her friend not anymore " there's nothing going on between us if that's what you were wondering. We just get each other you know some people, you connect faster than others like you and Denise" she grabbed the cup of tea wrapping a blanket around her. " Coming?" I put my jacket on following her outside.  

We sat on the front porch steps looking up at the stars " I'm originally from Chicago I was a waitress at a cafe and a college student. I was at work when it happened people were running and screaming. The TV's went on telling us to stay indoors my mom called me telling me to get home right away. It was my first time seeing them it broke the glass walking towards me I ran out the back door, there were tons of them eating people on the ground. I ran all the way home which was all the way across town to my parents. We stocked everything up and we left, the roads were insane we drove through the woods and we just kept on driving. My dad taught me how to shoot a gun and how to properly use a knife. We lived on the bad side of town so I already knew how to defend myself using my body cause if you didn't, you'll get the beat up everyday learned that the hard way. We were on the road for like a year. We set up camp I caught us a rabbit my dad showed me how to skin, gut, and cook it. He went to go get more firewood when he didn't come back, I went to go look for him 2 walkers were devouring him felt like everything was in slow motion. I killed the 2 walkers only thing wasn't eaten was his face. I left my mom back there she screamed, I ran to her but it was too late. She told me everything was going to be alright and that she loved me  . . . I killed them both" I put my hand on top of hers. She looked at me with emotional eyes " it's okay now, you got us. You got me" we hugged. " What were you studying in college?" y/n noticed me shivering wrapping half of the blanket around my shoulders. " A photographer I used to take picture of everything nature, people".

" Were you one of those people who plastered their walls full of pictures".

" Maybe, don't judge me" the more I learned about her the further I fell. 

" Sunshine?" Rick and Daryl were holding an unconscious man his hands and legs were tied up. I went to get Denise " Hey, Rick and Daryl have someone" she shot up out of bed. " Who's this?" he wore all black, had long brown hair and a beard. " Come on, man, he's heavy. Oh, that thing, uh, didn't work out. It's this asshole's fault sorry" Daryl said to Denise. " Bring him in" moving aside. " All right, take a look at him" Rick replied. " He ain't staying though" they put him upstairs in one of the beds. " You guys were out there all day. Who is this man?" y/n asked. " The prick calls himself Jesus. We'll get someone to guard the door. y/n come with me I want to talk to ya" I watched as y/n left with him. 


In this together Tara Chambler x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora