Chapter 9

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I was on the front porch watching the sun rise drinking a nice hot cup of coffee " good morning" I turned to see Deanna. " Good morning, want a cup of coffee freshly brewed never though I'd say that again" chuckling to myself. " That'll be lovely" I went inside to pour her a cup. " Well, I'm gonna go to my guard shift I'll see you later" Rosita and I hugged. " See ya" handing Deanna her cup. " I have a job for you I want to go on runs and everyone does a guard shift. Today Aiden, Nicholas, Noah, Eugene, Glenn, and Tara are going on a run to get more supplies for our power grid that is down and I want you to go with them do you accept?" I was getting really bored about time I get some action. " I'm in" we walked to her garage to see everyone packing up the van. " What are you doing here?" Tara smiled, putting her hands on her hips. " It's my 1st day at work" she threw a backpack at me. I caught it putting it into the van before handing Eugene a gun " oh no, thank you" looking at the gun like it was a foreign object. " You need it to protect yourself" he shook his head. " Not if I don't go" Aiden appeared around the corner. " We're not driving all that way so we can just drive back with the wrong shit" handing me a gun and silencer. " It's a dozen of these they are consistent in appearance across manufacturers. The shit will be right I will install said shit then the grid will be fully operational again" I pushed the gun into his chest, helping loading the rest of the equipment. " I know I said it before, but thank you" I gave her a smile. " y/n come on!" I got in the back Noah, Glenn, and Tara. " So seriously, though what's her story?" Tara's been wanting details about this girl Noah's been talking to. " Leave him alone" loading up my gun as loud edm music started to play. " Great another mix" I bet Noah was thankful. ' now you're going to die' everyone shook their heads and laughed that the lyric. 

We arrived at the warehouse unloading all of our stuff " that's it there?" Tara asked, as I put my pistol and knife into it's holster. " That's the warehouse looks like that door is our fastest way in and out" Aiden said. " We should know know all the exits so there's a plan if things goes bad it's a big building. We don't know what or how many things are in there" Nicholas and Aiden looked at each other. " Already got one it's called going out the front" I just wanted to struggle those 2. I heard a walker coming I shot it straight in the eye " look at you with the aim" Aiden handed me my rifle. " She's right we should do a perimeter check know our exits just in case" about time they start to listen. Tara went with Eugene, Aiden and Nicholas, and Noah, Glenn, and I went in all directions. " It was good aim back there" they commented. " Lot's of target practice a couple of days ago I was ready to practice on Aiden" we all laughed no one really likes the guy at least in our group. We heard walkers I jogged to the gate the front was full of them " well, we're not getting out the front there's a huge herd of them" we met everyone at the back door again. " All clear" they said. " Not the front, it's full of them" Glenn opened the backdoor with a crowbar banging on the wall. " Give it a sec" I was in the back with Tara and Eugene. Nicholas wanted to go " it's a big place there could be some inside I know I lived in a big place like this. They're sneaky little fuckers it takes them a while to catch up pay close attention" the place was dark full of shelves of boxes and crates. " Let's go" we moved inside putting my gun up along with my flashlight. " Tara" Glenn whispered. " Yeah?" we split into 2 groups the boys went with Glenn and Tara and I stayed with Eugene. " We got this aisle" going to the aisle next to them. 

Tara and I have to protect Eugene he's completely helpless he can't shoot, he can't run fast, or fight but he has a lot of knowledge which we need. I heard a long bang " Glenn, what was that?" putting my arm straight across Eugene's chest pushing him back. " They're stuck behind something" we caught up to them. " Eyes up" the sound of walkers got louder. They were trapped behind a fence a whole bunch of them I pointed my flashlight at them more and more started to appear rattling the gate. " Let's get to work" Aiden said. Tara flashed her flashlight in Eugene's face " you're up" Tara, Eugene, and I started to search for the supplies. We walked down aisle after aisle looking at all the labels on the boxes " this is the one" Tara cut open the box pulling them out. " Yeah" Eugene started to hand them to me putting them into my backpack. " We found em'" we were gathering the rest of the supplies when I heard silent gunshots " Tara keep a eye on Eugene" pushing a box over to see a walker walking towards Aiden and Nicholas. It was wearing a suit of armor " It's got armor, let it come closer" Glenn said. Aiden ignored him him continuing to shoot " I got it" Aiden shot it in the leg making it fall down. " y/n get back!" Tara pushed me away everything went black. 

I woke up on the ground ringing in my ears coughing cause of the smoke my head ached " Eugene, Tara" Eugene was starting to sit up as Tara was laying in a puddle of blood. " Glenn, Noah?" I saw their heads their flashlights light burned my eyes. " Is she breathing?" Glenn asked, her chest was moving up and down. " Yeah, she's hurt badly, her head" the gate was down and the walkers are roaming free. " walker, walker" I turned around to see a walker coming towards us. I shot it in the head one came up behind Eugene pulling him down Noah got it in the head " get to that office, I'll help y/n get Tara go!" they ran . " I got her cover me" I carried Tara bridal style laying her down on a table. " She has serious head trauma she's losing blood fast" another puddle of blood started to surround her head. " how do you stop it?" Noah asked. " Med kit was in Aiden's pack it got blown to hell" Nicholas panted. " There's another one in the van" we have to save her. " She's on her way out, we got to get her there" Aiden started yelling. " Help somebody!" we went to the window. " Oh, Jesus" Nichlas gasped. Aiden was thrown up against the wall the shelfs iron in him he's stuck " he's alive?" Glenn panted. " I checked him I . . . I thought" Nicholas stuttered. " We've got to go get him" Noah said. " We pull Aiden off there, we can kill him" Nicholas stated. " So you're saying we leave him?" he didn't want to save his own friend. " It'll take 3 of us to go get him" Glenn panted. " Go, save him she'd do it. I know she would y/n and I will stay with her, we'll keep her safe I assure" I nodded at them. 

They fired a flare going to Aiden a couple minutes passed I looked out the window we were in the clear " we got to go" putting on my backpack. " No, we got to stay here it's safe" he panicked. " They drew them away, we're in the clear we got to get Tara back home to Pete help me get her to the van. You carry her, I'll cover you it'll be alright" he put Tara over his shoulder. I opened the door looking left and right " stay in front of me, I got you" a walker came around the shelf I shot it. " Keep going!" I shot another one in the head opening the side door. We looked for the van we parked on the other side of the building " we're almost there Eugene" it was clear no walker in sight. I opened the van's back doors helping Eugene lay Tara down " here's some gauze" he wrapped it around her head it quickly soaked through. " we got to get the others they'll be coming out the front it's full of them. We'll draw them away, distract them so they can get out" I took off my long sleeve shirt leaving me in a white tang top. " I found the source of bleeding, I'll keep pressure on it, you drive" we drove to the front. " Uh, y/n" they were trapped in a revolving door walkers surrounded inside and out. " Turn up the music, honk the horn, yell make as much noise as you can" he honked the horn blasting the music. " Hey, hey over here come get me, come get me!" walkers started to walk towards the van. " Keep on going, you got this" I put Tara's head on my lap keeping pressure on her head wound. " Hey, move over we're leaving" it's that son of a bitch Nicholas. I heard the van turn off the door opening " get back into the van!" Nicholas screamed. " Not until you tell me where they are" where's Glenn and Noah?. " Either you come back with me or you stay here and die with your friends those are your choices" I heard them struggle. 

I was about to come out to knock him out but apparently Glenn did it for me. They opened the van back doors holding an unconscious Nicholas laying him next to me " where's Noah?" tears filled Glenn's eyes. He's dead " all that matters right now is getting Tara home to the infirmary" I ran my fingers through her short dark hair. " You'll be okay, I'll make sure of it.    

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