Chapter 16

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We were laughing and talking happy to be back together again " what the hell?" there was a group of 6 men on motorcycles blocking the road. " Why don't you come out, join us on the road?" we got out of the truck. " That's great it's going well right out of the gate. Now, step two, hand over your weapons" the unknown man commanded.  " Why should we?" Daryl asked. " Well, they're not yours" it's in my possession so it's mine. " Who's are they?" I asked. " Your property now belongs to Negan" who the hell is Negan?. " And if you can get your hands on a tanker you're people our person wants to know. So let's get those sidearms, shall we?" we handed over our weapons. He even said thank you after taking it from us. " Who are you people?" Sasha asked. " I get the curiosity, but we have questions ourselves. And we'll be the one's asking them while we drive you back to wherever it is you call home" handing 2 of our guns to his men." Take a gander at where you hang your hats first, though, your shit. What you got for us" he smiled. " Yeah, you just took it" he tilted his head. " Come on I I mean can we not, okay. There's more there is always more" he sighed. " T . . . take my girl back of the truck, start inside the back bumper, work your way to the front" the man grabbed a hold of me. Maybe cause I was closest to them, maybe cause they thought I was weak wouldn't be able to fight back cause I'm a woman. They're in for a rude and bloody awakening " Go!" pushing me to the back of the truck unable to be seen by the others. 

I lifted the lever, the spiral door went up with a bang inside was full of boxes " start searching!" I searched through the boxes. It had guns, ammo, but I wasn't gonna tell them that " hey, big guy this box is too heavy for me to lift" he walked over to me. I kicked his ankle making fall giving me enough time to back up as he quickly got up, slamming me into the ground. He threw a couple punches at me, I kneed him in the groan grabbing the knife from my boot. He cut my bicep with his knife making me hiss in pain. I did a reverse round kick to his face making him fall to his knees, I grabbed his chin " don't underestimate a woman" slitting his throat, kicking him out of the truck. I grabbed the rpg-gag " holy" hit this thing is heavy. " I'm not gonna kill you" he paused, looking at the guns. " Wait, wait, you know what yes, I am" I pulled the trigger. The group of men is now blown to pieces " you guys alright?" they were getting up, coughing cause of the blast. " He's tougher than he looked" showing them the man laying in a puddle. " He got ya" Daryl pointed out, looking down at my arm covered in blood. " yeah, I'll live" Sasha wrapped a piece of cloth around it. " Let's get you fixed at home" we restocked our weapons in the back. The truck was stocked with different firearms.

We tried to get a hold of Rick and the others all we got was static like we have been for the past couple of days. When we hard someone said help Abraham said it sounded like Eugene. Tara might be in trouble I owe her everything. I don't know where I would be if she never found me now I'm with people that care about me and I care about them and I'll fight to the death for any of them especially Tara. We drove till nightfall " oh my god" all I saw was walkers. " We have to see what's going on in there" Daryl parked in front of the gate. Abraham, Sasha, and I climbed up to the top inside Alexandria had hundreds of walkers " Glenn, Glenn!" Maggie screamed at the top of her lungs. Walkers were about to cave Glenn in all 3 of us shot at the walkers surrounding him " Can you get the gate!" I yelled. Glenn looked up in shock " Appreciate it, pal!" Abraham said, while we got the rest of the walkers.

" Come on, we got you" Abraham kept Sasha and I sturdy while we helped Maggie and Enid down from the guard tower. Daryl banged on the roof, we hopped down all 7 of us piled into the truck, backing up to the lake. Daryl poured the gasoline into the lake while we killed the walkers surrounding us. Once they were out Daryl and I went to the top of the truck was Abraham moved the truck forward away from the water " Alright, that's it!" I handed Daryl the rpg-gag. He pulled the trigger setting the lake on fire " it's working. It's getting their attention!" they started to walk towards us cause of the fire. " We're not done yet" Daryl said. We fought till the sun started to rise all the walkers laid dead on the streets " Abraham!" Rosita shouted running into his arms. 

I turned to see the others safe and sound Tara ran up to me I met her halfway holding each other close for a minute, looking at each other before embracing again. " Dry my ass" we chuckled. " yeah, things didn't go according to plan turned to shit real fast ow!" she touched my open wound. She grabbed my arm " what happened?" looking at me with worried eyes. " Long story, the cut is pretty deep it's gonna need stitches" the infirmary was crowded. So we had to wait outside " what the hell happened?" how did the walkers get into Alexandria. " The day you guys left we got attacked by people. They called themselves wolves they had w's on their foreheads. They killed us they killed innocent people cause they simply just wanted too. Then the church tower fell knocking the wall down that's how all the walkers got inside, half of the walkers you were leading away got back here" It was hard to process. I didn't know that their was other people the wolves and now Negan's groups. What other groups are their besides us " Tara" a older blonde woman and Tara kissed. I knew she liked girls but shit how long was I gone?. " y/n needs stitches Denise" she's the new doctor since we lost Pete.

I sat on a table while Denise grabbed a tray of supplies " you know back in the day. People drank whiskey it was an anesthetic you got any?" booze sounds so good right now. " Un-unfortunately I don't. I mean  if I don't know if anyone else had any. It was kind of my parents thing. So I don't drink " she stuttered. " Well, that's a bummer" Tara grabbed a bar stool to sit with me. " Squeeze if it hurts" grabbing my hand. Denise told me she was gonna put rubbing alcohol on it to clean it. I have a pretty high pain tolerance stings a lot but I could handle it but holding Tara's hand made me feel a warm feeling inside of me. I liked holding her hand, hugging her, being around her in general she makes me happy a feeling i thought I'll never experience again. " I've never seen you around Denise. I know I'm new here but I don't forget a face" I squeezed Tara's hand tightly and she gave me a reassuring squeeze. " I've been here since the beginning when they put the walls up,Just stayed in my place. Pete didn't want me here when he passed I had to take over. How did you get this?" she put the needle in my skin. " I had to kill a man. A group of men stopped us on the road wanted to take our truck , it had firearms on it. That's how we set the lake on fire. They work for a person named Negan one of the man took me of the truck to see what was in the back. I tricked him into helping me, knocked him on his ass, and slit his throat and blew up the rest of his men into pieces" Denise froze in her spot.

" You have to tell Rick what happened" Tara said. " Daryl told me he was gonna talk to him. We must of went on their territory they shot at us, Daryl and I got captured by 3 people in the woods who used to be in his community. I have a feeling this Negan guy isn't very friendly he's men went looking for them. One got bit by a walker they chopped the guys arm off and took the guys watch. They left Daryl and I helped them 1 of them got bit we even helped them bury her. They took Daryl's motorcycle and crossbow and my rifle. We found the truck in the woods underneath some branches found Abraham and Sasha shortly after the group of men showed up. We went through hell to get back here" I turned around Denise is pale like a ghost and looks like she's about to pass out. " Hey, they are hours away and I killed his men so, no one can tell him who and where we are. And when the time comes will fight just like today".


In this together Tara Chambler x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz