Chapter 15

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I was up on the guard tower with Maggie. She's worried about Glenn I always admired their relationship the way that they always support and love each other. Glenn helped me escaped the prison on the worst day of my life and Maggie accepted me immediately after we met even after what the governor did to her father. " I burned the last picture of me cause I said he wasn't gonna need it anymore because I was never gonna be away from him again" Maggie sniffled. " I'm pregnant, he didn't want me to go out there and if I would have gone if I was with him maybe I could've helped him. I don't know if he's alive" tears rolled down her cheeks. " He would have shown me by now that's what Michonne said. I don't get to know what will happen, I don't know why it happened what I did right or wrong . . . But now I have to live with it you do too" I brought her in for a hug. " I know you're worried I am too. You guys gotten separated or been away from each other loads of times. He'll come back, he always comes back" she nodded her head, wiping her tears away. " y/n will come back too".

Rick came up the ladder " you don't have to be up here so much Maggie" she needs rest. she has a human being growing inside of her. " I won't be, this is the direction he'd come in" looking into the distance nothing. " If he sends a signal, it'll be from out there" yeah Rick mumbled. " Or it. I-It won't be" I looked at Rick. " When we go out there, it's never easy, it's never simple. It's always a fight but we come back from harder things from further away" made me think of y/n's and I journey back here. We were really far away from here " Glenn, y/n, Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha they will too. Maybe we don't wait for them to be back. We should start figuring out how to draw the walkers away. We have some food and water to last us a while and the walls are holding. We can take our time really think this through do it right. Clear it so they can . . . they can walk right in" anything to get y/n back home safely I'll do it. 

After I was done with my guard shift, I met Eugene at the other guard tower hammering away " Tara" I stood up to see Spencer on a zip-line trying to get past all the walkers from down below to get to the church on the other side. " Spencer" Rick told him to come back, he kept on going. " Spencer, Spencer move!" he lost his grip now only holding on by his hands. A herd of walkers below him trying to reach him " go, keep moving hurry!" Rick yelled. " Eugene . . . have Maggie and Rosita fire their guns out from their posts" grabbing my pistol from it's holster. " Why?" he asked. " Just do it!" climbing over the ledge standing on one of the post, holding one hand to the wall keeping me up. " Tara, I cannot in good conscience" oh my god. " Just do it!" the rope broke. Spencer slammed into the steel wall falling to the ground. I shot the walkers around him as Rick, Morgan and Tobin tried to pull him back up. I continued till I was out of ammo " grab on!" I grabbed Michonne's hand pulling me back over the wall. " Tara, you almost died once for these people!" I would've if y/n didn't save me. If that dick Nicholas didn't push that walker to me. " What?!" I did what I thought was right. " What the hell were you doing?!" I flipped him off. I didn't care 3 hours later I was done building the rest of guard tower with Eugene. Denise thanked me for saving her son it wasn't that big of a deal.

 I went to the infirmary to tell Denise about my eventful afternoon but she wasn't there. " Hey, you seen Denise?" I asked Rick, him and Tobin are adding more wood to the walls to keep it sturdy. " No" where the hell is she?. " Hey" Rick jogged up to me. " Look, I'm sorry about before I was just" I interrupted him. " He was stupid that we know" I commented. " I just meant what you did for him, you didn't have to" he panted. " I know" I still have some humanity left in me. " You could have died" my mind was so focused on saving him. " I mean I'd like to say I was thinking about it, but I wasn't" we have to protect these people and I hope one day. They'll protect us " Is that why you did it. You weren't thinking about it" he made me think for a sec. " No, that's how it works with us. We're stuck with each other right?" Deanna came up to us. " Rick, you saved my son thank you" he shook his head. " You should thank Tara" it's a team effort. " I already did" I put my hand on her shoulder, giving her a light smile. 

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