Chapter 2

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It's been 2 weeks since the wedding and we've more of less settled into a routine. We did stay at their house a few nights. I know she misses her parents, and they miss her. And we've come to see grandma and grandpa a few times too. I even smuggled her in so she could sleep over for the night.

That was actually her first time to see my bedroom, the few times she came over, she never entered it. She's cute like that. She said it was fine now since we were married already. Since it was our first time there, we christened my bed and the shower there too.

And of course, she had security already, we both did. Miggs took his exam. The investigator found out that they, Miggs and his mom, paid off someone, to switch grades so he got in. He's starting class today, I'm pretty sure he'll come looking for her.

I didn't have to go to the dealership, and she requested I come with her, she only has 2 early classes then she has a long break then she has to come back for a meeting with the other cheerleaders this afternoon. I figured she wanted me close to her too. I was at the coffee shop and JM was actually online for the first time in so long. I sent him a message.

Me: Finally. Where have you been?
JM: Give me a break, I finally completed all the documentary requirements I need. And I also had to take care of some other things. It just took a bit longer.
Me: And?
JM: I already shipped our cars there. They'll be arriving next week.
Me: Our cars?
JM: Of course I also shipped mine, I'm staying there too, remember?
Me: I know you're expanding here, but grandpa is giving you an SUV like mine.
JM: I know, but I'll be spending more time there.
Me: What will you do with your business there?
JM: I'll fly in and out.

I have feeling there's something I'm missing, something more to this. JM's tone was different.

Me: And? What car will you use there then?
JM:I had your other car sent here too. You won't be using it anyway, better if you sell it from LA.
Me: Good idea. Thanks bro.
JM: I do have my Q7, you know. It's not as if I need to be driving my R8 all the time.
Me: Ok. And?
JM: And what?
Me: And, nothing. When are you coming back?
JM: Leah and I are just waiting for Raven to arrive. It's her last day of class today.
Me: She's coming with you?
JM: Yup. I talked to dad and asked him if Raven could go on an educational tour in Asia for a few weeks, my gift for her, I said.
Me: He said yes? What did mom say?
JM: I didn't hear from her. Yes, he did. Raven is ecstatic. She can't wait. She's flying in later from school. She and dad had a long talk the other day, I think.
Me: Yve would be so happy. I am. Wait, dad? Really? That's good.
JM: Yeah, it is. Dad asked for you.
Me: Why?
JM: Someone told him you won't become a doctor anymore. He's been trying to reach you, haven't you been checking your personal email?
Me: I haven't in about a week or two.
JM: Check it. Just so you know, he didn't tell mom.
Me: He didn't?
JM: Yeah, he actually called me to ask about you. He said he knows we're in touch because all communication to you goes through my office servers. And we, got a chance to talk too.
Me: Really? How was it?
JM: I'll tell you when I see you, too long for chat.
Me: Sure. so he checked out the source?
JM: Yes, and it goes cold from here. We rigged it so it's just the two of us know where you actually are, remember?
Me: Yup. Ok I'll have to check my email later. Anyway, when are you guys arriving then? Also have you heard anything about Rachel?
JM: Rachel? Well, dad said she came to see him and told him she was pregnant. Dad knows about the divorce but he didn't know about the bruises, the cheating and the bankruptcy. She told him mom wasn't talking to her because she wants Rachel to get rid of the baby. Dad moved her out of the house and she's now living in her old apartment when she went to Juilliard. I think he bought it back. That's what made him look for you in school.
Me: He called the school?
JM: No he went upstate to see you. And no one could tell him where you were. That's when he tried to reach you and that led to me.
Me: Ok. I'll try to get in touch with dad later, if not tonight.
JM: Good. We're arriving on Friday, the 26th. What day is it today there anyway?
Me: Wednesday, the 24th. You're probably arriving around midnight on Friday or early Saturday like the last time.
JM: Yeah, something like that.
Me: Ok, so I'll ask grandma to fix your rooms or are you staying with us?
JM: Um... No. well, we just have to figure out our living arrangements when we arrive.
Me: Living arrangements?
JM: I don't think we'd all fit in your condo bro. You said it's just about 400 square feet.
Me: Oh, actually Yve and I have thought it through.
JM: And?
Me: Leah stays with her at her parents' house right? We can move there first.

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