Chapter 14

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I just arrived from the meeting with the officers of the dealerships. We were able to surpass our target for the year again. Yve and I have already built our dream house and I wasn't sure I was fine leaving Yve alone at night. She's been a little under the weather lately.

I went straight to our room to find my wife with our two kids already asleep. Cian was now 6 and Caye just turned 3.

I kissed my wife and her eyes fluttered open."Hi honey." She said. "I was trying to wait up for you, the kids are so tired from playing all day."

"It's ok honey. Let them sleep."

"Have you had dinner? What time is it anyway?" She asked.

"Yes honey. It's a little past 8." I tell her. She looks tired. She's been feeling sluggish lately.

"I have something to tell you." She said. Then she pulled out a small thing from her pocket, it was a pregnancy test, and she was pregnant with our fourth child. Of course the first was ectopic. But he was my eldest son. I kiss her before she said, "I went to the doctor and got an ultrasound already." She paused. "We're having twins." What? Did she just say...

"Twins?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes honey, we're having twins. 2 sacs, two heartbeats." Then she went to the desk to show me the ultrasound. I was on cloud nine just like our first two kids, I felt elated that we've created a life. This time we were having two more kids. But I was worried about her, it would be hard to carry 2 babies.

"Don't worry about it," she said. "When my belly gets too big, I'll work from home."

"Ok honey. I'll take a shower then we can sleep." I tell her and went straight to the bathroom.

After my shower, I move the kids to the middle of the bed and put pillows on the other side. My wife teased me, "You can sleep beside Cian, you know." I pretend to think about it then say, "I don't think so. He won't appreciate my arms around him." I said.

She faced Caye and I embraced her from behind. On rare occasions, our kids sleep in our room, but they usually prefer their own. I kiss my wife and say goodnight. We both fall asleep after a few minutes.

I hear a knock on the door. I open my eyes and find my surroundings different, it was just a dream.

I look at my wife who's snuggled close to me. I move her and say, "Just a minute," Whoever was knocking would have to wait a bit. I grabbed our clothes and got her a new pair of panties from her closet and I grabbed two shirts from mine and a pair of boxer shorts and khaki shorts. I got dressed and dressed Yve up. Then I whispered, "I'll just be outside love." She replies, "Mmmmm..." I quietly got out of our room to find JM, Leah and Raven all in the living room.

"You're all up early. What's up?" I ask and sit down on one of the couches.

It was JM who spoke up, "After you guys went home, Miggs came back to the party and started drinking heavily. And by heavily, I mean really heavy drinking. He was wasted after a few minutes."

"He was talking trash, but no one was really listening to him though. They were really pissed off that he came when he wasn't invited and that he was making a scene."

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked him. "He said sometime in February of this year, something happened between him and Yve. He even said Ethan knew. And Ethan wasn't saying anything. He said we should ask Yve about it." Leah said.

"I know she fell down a flight of stairs, but that's all she told me. She didn't tell me why, or what exactly happened but I knew Ethan brought her to the hospital."

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