Chapter 4

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I woke up early, I was excited because JC's family, most of them anyway, is arriving tonight, and Leah too. JC was still sleeping so I grabbed his shirt and looked for my underwear before I went to the kitchen, we fell asleep naked again.

I decided to make sausages and eggs with toasts today. I was busy frying the eggs when he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the back of my ear, and he whispered, "Good morning love. I thought I'd do this since I don't think you should wear my shirt with no underwear when we're in the penthouse with everyone. I think I'll miss that the most." And he smiles mischievously at me.

Two can play this game, "Well, I do have early classes today, but then I have a few hours between that and gymnastics and I'd really like to try other surfaces in this condo before we move for a little while to the penthouse, are you up for that my dear husband?"

He looks at me, "Always love. Let's eat or you'll be late for class." We eat in silence. When we're done he gets up and clears the plates. He turns to me and says, "I'll do this, take a shower now love."

"Ok baby. Are you coming?" I asked seductively.

"Of course." I turn towards our bedroom and I lay out what we're both going to wear today. I enter the bathroom and begin with my shower. He joins me after a few minutes and he makes love to me in the shower.

We took longer than usual so we were running a bit late, it was almost 7 am when we arrived in school. JC parked the car and went down to open the door for me. He took my hand and we walked hand in hand towards the building where my classes are. I didn't notice that there were three people near the entrance waiting until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Yve. Aren't you going to introduce me to your latest and greatest catch by far?" It was Miggs.

I felt JC stiffen beside me. Miggs looked at JC and said, "I'm Miggs, Yve's ex-boyfriend. I know you've met Ethan," He turned to me then, "Don't you think it's only fair that you introduce me to him too. Maybe we can hang out like you and Ethan do, for old times sake."

He turned to JC again, "We should hangout you know, when she leaves you, we can form a club, Yve's ex-boyfriends club, because she will leave you when she finds a richer guy than you, she will."

I hold JC's hand firmly in mine. He turned to look at me then and an understanding passed between us. I can feel his anger boiling just under the surface and I didn't want to give Miggs the satisfaction of having gotten us all wired up.
Before JC could say anything, I turned to Miggs and said what he never thought he'd hear in his lifetime from me.

"Miggs, aren't you supposed to be studying in Singapore?" He stiffened then and his companions turned to look at him, apparently they didn't know that. Then I continued, "or did you flunk out? Didn't anyone help you pass?"

I can see the anger in his eyes. "Introducing you never crossed my mind, you see, you are my ex-boyfriend, nothing more whereas Ethan and I were friends long before we got together and we remained friends and became closer still after we broke up. We even met because of him, don't you remember? You wanted so much to be friends with his group of friends."

"And Ethan never approved of you for me, but it seems they get along fine, and Ethan likes him, like everyone else in my life, especially my parents, who trust him completely, something you never gained." He was seething with anger now.

"And he's not my boyfriend, he's my fiancé," this time I put my hand out to show him my ring, "my parents gave us their blessing, and I accepted his proposal. Something they never gave you, and something that never crossed my mind when we were together. Didn't your mom tell you? We saw her at the airport. She even called my mom to inform her how much I have degraded myself in her eyes."

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