Chapter 7

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"Wake up sleepyhead. Didn't you miss me?" It was Leah.

"Of course I missed you, you're the one who's been busy. And you have a lot of explaining to do." And she blushed which made me smile.

JC came out of the bathroom and went to my side of the bed. He leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips and said, "I'll just ask Yaya to bring your food in so you girls can catch up. I'll be with the boys for a while so we too can do some planning."

"Ok baby. Please tell her to bring some cake too." And he smiled.

"Sure love. Have fun eating." Then he turned and left us there.

"Start spilling." I said as soon as JC closed the door.

"Ok. I came home with your mom and dad for a few days, we left that Friday and when we got home, JM and Raven asked me to go out to dinner. They both weren't from here so I took them out. We went to Serendra, that was near your place and we went around the shops too."

"JM asked me if it was ok if we went out and I said yes. It was fun hanging out with them, although I think Raven is closer to JC."

"Yes, their age is, Raven is 16, remember?  I think she was around 9 when he left." I said.

"Yeah, well, it easily can be overlooked since she's gorgeous, not to mention tall."  She said teasing me.  Leah is a few inches taller than me so she teases me about it.

"A lot of guys came and introduced themselves, and there is a Yu trait I learned." She said, "They can be really rude." We both said at the same time and we laughed.

"Yes," She continued. "JM said they hate girls who come on too strong.  JC more than him."

"What do you mean?"  I asked curiously.

"He didn't sleep around but his first girlfriend wasn't the only one he slept with.  He said he was a bit of a player in high school but got his act together when he met Maria."  I see.

"After her, he did have a couple of dates which ended in bed after the second date.  But that he didn't want anything to do with them after that, no connection was his reason."

"No connection?"  Ok, I got it.


"So he wasn't a saint.  You weren't either."  I said.

"Of course.  I can't do anything about our pasts."

"Anyway, like I said, they're rude if they want to be.  But they're all really sweet too." And she had that dreamy look in her eyes.

"He kissed me on the cheek goodnight though."  A dreamy look from Leah with just a peck on the cheek?  Wow.

"We agreed that they will pick me up so we can go to the airport together. Mom and dad, your mom and dad, talked to me before I left and said, it seems you and I have the brothers hooked. Your mom said, she'd be a godmother at our wedding. Talk about fast right? I mean it was just dinner, and we had Raven with us."

I was just looking at her. She was blushing.

"When we got to LA, we said goodbye to Raven who had a connecting flight to New Jersey. Then JM drove me to my apartment. I invited him in, and he and I started talking. We talked for hours, ordered takeout and the next thing I knew, we were kissing." And she was blushing.

"You're so red." There was a knock on the door and Yaya came in with our food.

We started eating, unlike me, Leah hasn't eaten anything yet, well, any food for that matter.

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