Chapter 11

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We ended up spending our day at our condo. I guess we both missed being here. We still had groceries here so I decided to cook carbonara for him. He loved it. I didn't know it was his favorite I just really preferred white sauce to red. Luckily he loved the one pasta I knew how to make, other than the Alfredo which I buy and reheat.

Without cheerleading, my schedule was more open than it used to be. JC and I got to spend more time together. Of course I had homework but I could do it where he was. Leah decided to study cooking at CCA so we would leave together in the morning, the brothers weren't so paranoid when we did that but I think doubled up on those watching me, he didn't tell me but I knew he did.

Two weeks after the competition was our party. JC and I were leaving in about an hour. We decided to get ready at the penthouse since I only had morning classes I had time to get home. His dad's great. He started practicing medicine here but his schedule was light. He loves being able to work yet he has lots of time to be there for his three kids.

The weddings were now in full swing.

We decided to have our gowns made here but it would be shipped two weeks before the wedding to the coordinator. Everything is a go.

JC and I decided that we would tell some of our closest friends. His best friend Ryan, would be flying in from the U.S. To Bali together with some other friends of the brothers since it would appear to be a double wedding spread over a week, plus Raven's birthday.

On my end, my closest high school friends including Ethan. And Joey and Sandra's family because they brought us together.

JC arrived after a few minutes, he looked good enough to eat in what he wears to work. Leah and I both agree, our men look so yummy in their suit. I was staring at him again and a slow smile spread across his face. "You like what you see Mrs. Yu?" He said teasingly.

"Of course Mr. Yu. I love staring at the gorgeous creature who happens to be my husband." I tease back.

"Well, Mrs. Yu, I'm going to take a shower now. I'll be out in a few minutes so you can keep staring again." And he smiled. I love it when he's playful like this. He seems to be his age when he does, not the COO he now was.

I have his clothes laid out on the bed. I enjoyed doing it that I do it everyday now. Even during the times when I was so in a hurry. Lucky for me he lets me do this.

Once he got out of the shower and dressed we leave. We were taking the SUV because it was raining. Better to be safe. We've already been stranded a few times. After the first, we brought changes of clothes in the car everywhere so in case we got stuck, we were ready. We even have crackers and chips and cookies and drinks, water especially. We had our bodyguards do the same.

We arrived a little before 8 pm. JC and I decided to eat a light dinner so we didn't have to eat at the party. As we entered the restaurant, there were quite a number of people there and JC wrapped his arms around me to protect me. Like always I felt safe here. Nothing can harm me.

We went around and talked to people.

We danced a few songs and I just fell in love with my husband more. He's a damn good dancer and sexy as hell when he wants to be. I finally found my match on the dance floor.

A few more songs and I told him I wanted to sit down. We found seats and sat down. We were near the dance floor.

"Are you ok?" JC asked near my ear. He knew I wasn't very fond of crowded places.

"I'm fine baby. You?" I asked and he smiled, "I'm fine love. I love dancing with you. I love the way you grind your hips against me. And I love looking at your back." I blushed.

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