Chapter 9

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It was Thursday and I've already finished packing for our trip. JM and Leah left earlier, they were going out of town with her family. That's what they told JC.  And grandpa and grandma already left this morning, they wanted a head start, they'll check on the preparations too.

I asked Leah and Raven to bring my gifts for JC so he wouldn't see some of them. I decided to buy 21 little things for him since he was turning 21. I'll be giving him my gifts as soon as the clock strikes 12 tonight. The first I'll give him is a Cartier bracelet like mine and Leah's and Raven's. I'll give JM one for his birthday too.

And everything else, I'm giving him tonight except for a few. Those for the condo, well the piano anyway, I paid for already but I won't have it delivered yet. What Leah actually has is a watch and Raven has the keychains, for both of his cars I had designed by a jeweler specifically for him.

Then I got him a money clip, he uses them, why, I have no idea, but I find it very formal and sexy as hell.

I also got him 2 belts, one for jeans and one formal, 2 Mont Blanc pens, one for his table at work and the other one he can bring with him, a framed picture of us for his office, an electronic digital portable drum kit, a classic guitar and an electric guitar, a piano for our new condo when we buy it, an iPod with my songs for him there, a new MacBook, personalized cuff links with matching tie clip, a framed mosaic photo of our wedding, for the new condo, a painting of us taken during his wedding proposal, also for the new condo, a pair of Oakley shades I want to see him wear and a pair of boxer briefs I want to see him in.

I told him the trip was his gift so he wasn't expecting anything more from me. Leah and JM will be sleeping at mom and dad's house, they were leaving at 4, their flight is at 7.

Dad and Raven will leave after we do, their flight is at 10:00. JC and I are leaving last, our flight is at 2pm since I have class until 10.

We were on the bed watching television, it was a little past 11. "Love, did you ever think that by the time you were 21 you'd be married?" I asked.

"Of course not. I told you I had no plans of getting married. I didn't think my life at 21 would be this happy, this fulfilling, this blessed. And all that is because I found you. You made all this possible." Now I was blushing, he always says that.

"If you had one wish for your birthday, what would it be?" I asked. He was staring at me, so I add, "it can't be something you already have, ok?" He smiled.

"I was going to say you, you just arrived earlier." He looked thoughtful now.

"Honestly, if you asked me about a month ago, I would've said a baby." I take a deep breath. I was right, I saw that in his eyes while he was watching me with my God-sisters and God-brothers.

"But not anytime soon." He said, and smiled. I was confused now. "I changed my mind. You see I was watching you with them, I saw how a great mom you'd be because you give time to every child and make him or her feel special. But I realized I wasn't ready to share you yet." I sigh, I wasn't ready for kids but I would give in if that's what he wants. It scares me sometimes to realize how much I'm willing to give my husband.

"So I don't want one just yet, in a few years baby. For now, let's just keep it like this, just you and me, ok?"

"Ok baby. I'd like that."

I cuddle to him while we watch. I was waiting for my phone to beep for the alarm. He asked, "Aren't you sleepy yet baby? You have an early class tomorrow."

"Can we just wait a bit for your birthday?" I asked him.

He smiles at me, "Sure love. But why do you want to wait for it?"

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