Chapter 25

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It seemed magical, as soon as I saw where we were getting married, I knew why she chose to have it here. I took my place and waited with our guests for our cue to begin.

Ryan walked up to me and said, "Don't tell me you're nervous. This isn't the first time you're getting married, to the same woman at that."

"I'm not nervous, I'm excited to see my wife. That feeling will never grow old."

"Thanks man." He said.

"For what?"

"For sharing this moment with us. It sure is something to remember." He said.

"The fact that Raven is the maid of honor does add to that."  I teased him and on the rarest of times, I saw him blush.

"That too."  He said.  "Thanks Jace."

"You're welcome Ryan."  I said. 

The coordinator then asked us to line up, it was time.

As the orchestra began to play, dad walked beside me this time and I can see the happiness he was feeling. This made it all the more special, I had my dad now. He was still that brilliant surgeon, but he was more our dad now than he's ever been.

We reached our place near the priest where we were to wait for my bride. The rest of the entourage walked down in a blur, of course Leah was there, so was Raven who was getting more and more gorgeous everyday.  I saw the twinkle in her eye when she and Ryan locked eyes and I know she feels the same for him.

And then I heard Yve's song and felt her presence before I saw her.

Her gown was blowing with the wind, which is why she asked that her gown be made of the lightest fabric and I've never seen anything as beautiful in my life.  She smiled as soon as our eyes met and everything else stopped, it's just the two of us, in our own little bubble.

As soon as she reached her parents, she kissed both their cheeks and we both walked towards the center where we would be wed.

The ceremony has begun.

"And now your vows."

Yve and I turned to look at each other and we held hands. She smiled up to me then before she said, "Six months ago I vowed to love, cherish and honor you, all the days of my life. And with that, I gave you my whole self, body and soul."

"You showed me what it means to love deeply, and to trust completely. You made me realize that there is one more person who will always love me through all of my faults and shortcomings. With that, I want to thank you. Thank you for being patient with me, and for all the understanding you've given me. Thank you for making me grow in love with you with each passing day, and for growing in love with me."

"Back then, I couldn't wait for our life together to begin.  Now, I know what it means to be your wife, a partner all throughout our lives."

"I can only look forward to the rest of my life with you knowing I will always have someone by my side, that I'll always have you by my side."

"I know it's not going to be easy, but I will never let go, and I will never give up. You will always have me. I will remain by your side. And even if we lose each other, I will never stop looking for you, I won't ever give up on you because I know, you won't ever give up on me."

"I love you JC, more than my life, because you are my life."

The official turned to me now and I looked at my wife, "Six months ago, you made me the happiest man alive when you became my wife. I stand before you now, amidst our family and friends, to renew the vow we made back then."

"What most do not know is more that the life we now share is the fact that you've brought my family closer together. You've given us our chance and I've grown to love you more because of that."

"You make me want to be a better person, the best person I can be. You make me see things in a different perspective and you've taught me that there is goodness in everyone, and I should focus on that and help bring it out the way you do with me and everyone else around you."

"I will do everything to protect you, to keep you safe and happy for the rest of our lives."

"You've changed my life in a way I never thought anyone could. And everyday, I will thank god for giving you to me to spend the rest of my life with. I won't ever let go of your hand. If fate would test our love, I too will never cease to search for you until we're together again."

"I love you Yve. I will never get tired of showing you that I do."

We exchanged rings and continued with the ceremony.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I turned to look at my wife, my life, the very reason I'm alive and kiss her with all the love I feel for her.

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