Chapter 19

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Yve was officially on her Christmas break, but Leah had 2 days left of her classes. Yve needed to do some stuff in school today so those two went together. JM went to Hongkong for the day for a meeting and will be back tonight.

Apparently he and Leah already talked about having kids, or is it not having kids just yet.

Yve got her passport changed to Yu, and we will be applying for our European visa for our tour this summer as soon as we get back in January.

Where told everyone about our late honeymoon and where we plan to spend it. We've already discussed it with our travel agent and they've already given us our itinerary. There will be a time when we'd meet dad and Raven up in Florence, and grandma and grandpa in Vatican. Even Yve's parents, mom and dad have business in London so we'd meet them there too. And Yve and I are glad that Leah and JM are coming with us.

If someone told me last year that by Christmas I'd be married and have such a wonderful, happy family I would've said they were dreaming. I never thought I'd find everything I've been searching for all my life this summer.

My wife was a revelation. She has embraced her sensuality, the downside of which is I'm mostly sporting a hard on these days. So now, I try to finish everything fast so I get to be with her and I can do something about it.

It seems JM gets these from Leah and he's learned to live with a hard on at work. No complains though, it feels great to be desired, especially since we're crazy in love with them.

I remember the week after we came back from Baguio, I was in the middle of a sales meeting when Yve sent me a message.

Yve: Hi honey. I just got out of class and I miss you.
Me: I miss you too baby. What are you doing?
Yve: I'm in the coffee shop, drinking a mocha frappe. I was wondering what it would be like if I could lick this frappe off of your body.

I almost dropped my phone and spaced out to daydream about doing that to her.

Me: aren't frappe's cold?
Yve: you're right. I'd rather just put the whip cream all over you, that way you won't get cold. And I love licking whipped cream.

I was half listening to the sales team now. They were, after all just preparing for their presentation for the party. I had to excuse myself then. Luckily I had a few folders with me and I was able to cover my bulging front. I went to my office and locked myself up.

Me: I think I'd like to lick whipped cream all over you too.
Yve: then I'd pass by the grocery to get some. You game to try who licks the most whipped cream off each other?

My imagination was running wild now not to mention how hard I was. Then she sent another message.

Yve: honey, I think my panties just got soaked.
Me: what? Why?
Yve: my imagination ran away with me again.
Me: what did you imagine honey?
Yve: I imagined you were eating the whipped cream you placed on my pussy.

I can't stand this anymore, she only has one more class.

She sent another message.

Yve: I've got to get to class all bothered and horny as hell. See you in a few hours.

No honey, I'll see you in an hour. I took the driver so he can drive her car home. And we went to pick her up. She almost dropped her books when she saw me then a smile spread across her face.

She really was soaking wet and horny as hell because as soon as I drove off, her hand was on my bulging erection.

We ended up in our condo since it was closest and made love thrice before we drove home to the penthouse.

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