Chapter 13

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When Yve said she'd let everyone know that she is my wife, I felt like my heart would explode with happiness. It was easy to accept that she wanted to keep our marriage a secret for all the reasons that we both had, but as months wore on, I wanted to shout it to the whole world, especially when Miggs came to talk to me. I wanted to tell him she's already my wife and that he should back off.

But I couldn't. It didn't matter that we wore our wedding rings, we could've easily purchased them and worn them.

It was Saturday, and my wife has gotten better. The bleeding has stopped and she felt good, although she wasn't 100% yet, she wasn't pale anymore and she was as sexy as ever. Of course we haven't had contact in a week and I was horny as hell but I'm fine, I was afraid I might hurt her and I don't want to do that. I don't want to tire her out either.

The doctor did say that it was up to her when we can have contact, she knows her body, but to take it easy when we do. No acrobatics was the term her doctor used which caused us to laugh.

I for one wanted to make sure she was 100% before I make love to her. I wouldn't even let her give me head, I wanted her to rest. Besides, she gets aroused when she does, but I think she also wants to get better first.

She was wearing a backless halter sequined top, this time it was midnight blue, and a tight pair of designer jeans. She wore a wedge instead of her stilettos because she wasn't sure if she can last the whole night in them. And I just got a hard on by looking at her. She got another teasing from Leah because of her shoes though.

Since we were all going out to party, JM and I decided to take the sport cars while the body guards will use the SUV. Raven, who was with Ethan will use dad's SUV, they had a driver. I found out Ethan doesn't drive much, he drives to school and home, and hardly at night. Better keep my sister safe.

Guests were arriving, Miggs and some of his friends were openly staring at our cars when we arrived. With where they were standing, they seem to be waiting for us. And we're definitely going to pass by their group to get inside.

I guess it was easy to guess when we arrived because my car's plate said JCY 11. JM and I got out, of course our women know better now so they waited for us to open the door for them. There were wolf whistles when Yve and Leah got out of the car. It was just their teasing, they've known each other for years.

Our women waved to them. And the boys with Miggs all ogled when they saw my sister get down from the car as soon as Ethan opened the car door for her. She was wearing tight-fitting jeans and a top that only has strings for the back, is that going to hold? Well, at least she has strings.

The expression on Miggs's face was priceless. He actually thought Raven was a girl I was seeing on the side. The boys stared at Raven as Ethan took her hand and introduced her, "This is Raven Yu, JC and JM's sister." They all turned to Miggs. He was red in the face.

"Hi boys." Raven said the she flashed them her million dollar smile. I saw her eyes linger on Miggs with a look of disgust.

We walked towards their group and we're in their circle now. They greeted Yve and Leah with a couple of his and hellos.

"This is JM, my fiancé." Leah spoke up first, then she turned to JM and said, "Sweetie, these are my high school friends."

JM nodded his head towards the group and glared at Miggs. So much for subtlety from my siblings.

"Hi guys." It was Yve this time. "This is JC, my husband." What did she just say? We all turned to look at her. She didn't tell me she'd say that. Then she turned to look at me and an understanding passed between us again. And we both smiled.

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