Chapter 6

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"Well Harry, I don't think you're going to be able to resist what's about to happen," I say over my shoulder as I bite my lower lip.

I continue walking down the deck towards the bow, leaving a very happily shocked Harry behind me. I have left the spinnaker pole up and attached a rope to it. I've taken down the lifelines on one side. I grab the rope and back up and look towards Harry. He is grinning widely at me, as he figures out what I'm about to do. I run quickly on the deck and jump, wrapping my legs around the rope and swinging out and over the water. When I'm the farthest the rope will go, I let go and fall into the water. It's cool but feels so refreshing after a hot day on the water.

When I look back towards the boat, Harry is already stripping off his shirt and making his way to grab the rope.

"I'm coming in!" he shouts as he does a little run to use the rope swing, I've created. He splashes into the water beside me. When he comes up to the surface, the water glistens off his skin and his eyes are so full of joy. I climb back on the boat for another turn and Harry follows close behind, splashing into the water again. Harry goes up a third time and does a backflip as he releases the rope this time, always the entertainer. He swims over to where I'm treading water.

"My dad taught me how to do that," I say slowly, but can't help the smile that washes over my face at the memory.

Harry doesn't say anything but looks at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I was about seven or eight the first time. My mom was worried, but my dad was good at convincing her to let me do things. I remember being so scared as I gripped the rope and my dad came beside me and he leaned in close and said 'Maggie, some of the best things happen when we take a chance even though we're really scared.' After that, I spent the rest of the day jumping from that rope until my arms got too tired."

There's a short silence where we are both just treading water, and then I become self-conscious of what I shared.

"Do you think we could do that today?" he says smiling at me, hoping for a yes.

"I'll race you to the boat!"

And I take off swimming. Harry laughs, but quickly swims after me. I start to climb out of the water but feel a hand on my ankle pulling me back into the water. I fall back, laughing when I come to the surface again. He tries to reach for the ladder, and I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him from behind, pressing my body against his back.

"You're not playing fair!"

"Why is that?" I say, but I don't loosen my grip.

"Because I really want to win and be first on the boat but..."


"But I'm really enjoying you touching me."

I giggle against his back.

"Okay. Okay. You win," and I remove my arms from his neck and carefully swim back out into the water. Harry doesn't climb the ladder. He just watches me swim away. I smile at him. A flirty smile with a wink at the end and in seconds he is back in the water chasing after me. I half-heartedly swim away but he catches my leg for the second time today and pulls me back to him. I don't fight it and allow him to turn me around so I'm facing him. We are treading water so close to each other and all I can think about are the butterflies in my stomach and how alive they are making me feel.

"You're surprising me today," he says to me.

"In what way?"

"The past two days felt like you were someplace else but today feels like you're right here with me."

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