Chapter 8

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We dock at the outstation and this time when Harry does the perfect cleat knot, I give him my proudest smile, and I can tell by the reciprocated smile that he is quite proud too. After we are all tied up, I tell Harry I'm going to quickly go to check in with the manager. There are a few boats here but not too many as it's the farthest outstation our club has. I don't pay much attention to the other boats so when I'm heading back down after checking in and hear someone call my name, I'm caught off guard. I turn to look in the direction of the voice and can feel my breath hitch when I realize who it is.

"Hey! How are you?"

I stare at him without responding.

"Really Maggie?"

I turn and walk past him quickly, but he doesn't give up that easily.

"Can you just stop and talk for a minute? I haven't seen you in weeks." I keep walking but so does he. "Don't be like this!" he shouts at me.

"Like what?" I stop and yell back.

"Like you're the mad one! You broke it off with me!"

"You didn't really give me a choice!"

"I just wanted you to be happy again!"

"No!  You didn't care if I was happy. You just didn't want me to be sad anymore. There's a difference!"

"You didn't die that day, Maggie! You lived!"

"But it felt like I did!" I yell exasperated. "I lost my entire family! I don't have any grandparents, or aunts and uncles or cousins. I just had them! And now they're gone! I'm the only one left! I have no one!"

"You had me!"

"No, I didn't," I utter it suddenly calm now. "You were never there. You couldn't handle the sadness. You didn't know how to be there for me. If you couldn't be there for me at my lowest point, you certainly didn't deserve my peaks."

I start walking again and I notice that our yelling has got Harry's attention and he is now walking towards us quickly. Part of me wishes he would turn around and walk back. The other part of me desperately needs him by my side in this moment, even if I know it's only going to cause more problems.

"What's going on?" he says as he approaches.

"None of your business 'mate' so just move along."

"Are you alright?" he says as he places his hand on my lower back and in that moment, I can see my ex's face clench in realization.

"Are you here with him? I thought you were sailing alone?"

"I had a change of plans," I respond.

"A change of plans? You tell me you need space and then immediately start dating this guy?"

"We're not dating. He's a friend."

"Friend? I've known you for five years and I've never even seen him before!"

"I think you need to calm down and stop yelling at her," Harry inserts himself between us.

"I need to calm down? I catch my girlfriend here with some guy and I'm supposed to stay calm?"

"I need to calm down? I catch my girlfriend here with some guy and I'm supposed to stay calm?"

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"I'm not your girlfriend," I barely squeak it out. Everything is just too noisy. There's too much shouting. I can't see straight anymore. I don't know exactly how it happens, but I remember seeing Harry and my ex getting in each other's faces and lots of yelling. Then I just remember blackness.

I hear my name being called and I think I'm dreaming of that night again. My body hurts but when I open my eyes it's Harry I'm looking at.

"Oh my god, Maggie!" Thank god!" He's gently hugging me. "You're okay. You're okay. I've got you."

My ex is standing there looking concerned and shamefaced knowing he had something to do with this.

"Maggie are you..." he starts.

"Don't!" Harry practically growls back at him. He scoops me in his arms and carries me back to the boat. I'm not sure how but he manages to carry me onto the boat and down below. He sets me down on the bench seat next to the table and asks me where the first aid kit is. I mumble an answer. He finds it swiftly and starts searching through it. My head is throbbing, and the rest of my body feels sore.

Harry finds some gauze and he is dabbing at what I can only guess is a cut on my forehead. He is so close to me and concentrating so hard. I admire his green eyes and long eyelashes, his strong jawline and messy brown hair. His skin has tanned since being out in the sun these past few days.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For my ex. I didn't expect him to be here."

"You don't have to apologize for him. I'd be mad too if you left me."

"He wanted me to sell the boat and make a fresh start. He thought I was taking too long to get over everything."

"Maggie, you lost both of your parents suddenly. I don't know if you ever fully get over something like that. You just carry it with you. Some days it's easier to carry than others."

I nod at him and look down at my body and see that I have a few other scrapes and bruises from fainting on a wooden dock.

"I think I need a shower."

"I'll go with you. I don't want to leave you alone right now."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I'm trying to update every Tuesday and Saturday so stay tuned! Vote and comment!

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