Chapter 26

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The apartment is just how I remembered. Big, bright and open. A lot like their place in Vancouver. Their apartment is located in the Chelsea neighborhood. It's a two-bedroom, two-bathroom flat with views to the south. Sam helps us get my bags upstairs and then Harry speaks with him briefly before he leaves.

Harry turns and paces towards me with a big smile on his face, which I return. He wraps his arms around me pulling me into his chest and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm so glad you're here," he says into my hair.

"Me too," I say back. "What do you want to do?"

"Mostly just you," he says reaching down and squeezing my butt.

"Harry!" I say swatting at his chest, pulling away from him.

"What?" he says sheepishly, trying to act innocent now. "Are you saying you didn't miss me? You didn't miss my hands on you?"

He steps towards me again with a look that's half lustful and half insecure, waiting for me to assure him but also ready to pounce on me as soon I do.

I step back taunting him, "I came here to tell you that I'm completely over you. You have no effect on me anymore."

"Is that so?" Another step forward for him and another step back for me. But his steps are larger than mine, so he is closer to me now.

"Yes," it comes out weaker than I intended, which causes one side of his mouth to lift up.

He steps forward again, and I'm now backed against a wall with nowhere to go. I can feel his breath on my face, his scent in my nose, watch his chest rise and fall.

"So, if I were to do this..." and he runs his fingertips from the tops of my shoulders down my arms and then back up again. He slowly drags one finger along my neck, ending at my ear, as he leans and whispers, "that wouldn't make your heart race?"

"No," I say, but it comes out in a breathy exhale. And I take a quick short breath letting it out quickly. He pulls back to look at me, but I refuse to meet his eyes knowing I won't be able to keep up the façade.

He leans his head close again, sliding one hand behind my head, tangling his fingers in my hair. He pulls slightly, enough to make my jaw go up, exposing my neck. He kisses and sucks his way along my neck, up to my ear, tugging it with his teeth.

"And this...does nothing for you?" he asks as he continues.

I try to stifle a moan, "Noth---ing," it barely comes out of my mouth. The butterflies are now fighting each other in my stomach, begging me to give in.

"If I did this..." and he grabs the hem of his shirt and lifts it over his head showing me his firm chest and chiseled arms. I can't help myself from staring at him, licking my lips before biting hard on them.

"And this..." he starts unbuttoning his jeans and my brows crease in desire for him.

"Stop." I say breathily at him.

His eyes look up at me, questioning me.

"I want to do it," I smile innocently at him and he looks at me with his tongue poking just outside of his mouth.

I push him into the bedroom and when we get inside, I finish unbuttoning his jeans and pull them down his body. He helps me by stepping out of them, leaving him in only his black boxer-briefs. I stand back admiring him and can't help but lick my lips as I do it. He reaches for me, but I shake my finger at him, shaking my head no.

"Lay down Styles."

He raises his eyebrow at me with a smirk on his face, "Yes ma'am," and crawls onto the bed, laying on his back, leaning on his elbows.

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