Chapter 9

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I gather what I need, and we start to walk up together. Thankfully we don't encounter anyone and when we get to the clubhouse it's empty too. I go inside one of the single stall showers and turn to shut the door. Harry looks at me, "I'll be right out here if you need me."

"You're not showering?"

"I don't want to risk you passing out again or your ex coming while I'm in there. I'll just shower tomorrow."

I hesitate, searching his eyes. He looks worried and has definitely switched to protector mode.

"Join me then?"

"What?" he sputters out.

"We'll take turns showering."

"Maggie, it's fine. I can just wait until tomorrow."

"You're right though, what if I pass out again?"

He looks at me skeptically. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," and I grab his hand and pull him inside with me, as he nervously looks left and right to see if anyone notices.

I put my bag down with shower stuff and start to get undressed. Harry immediately turns around giving me privacy in the small room. I start the shower and get inside when the water is warm. I'm inspecting my body of all the new cuts and bruises from my fall. I start to reach for my shampoo when I realize I've forgotten all of my stuff outside the shower.


"Uh, yeah," nervousness in his voice.

"Could you pass me that shower bag with shampoo and stuff in it?"

He stays facing away from me and slowly backs his body up until he is close to the bag. He grabs what I've asked for and keeps backing up, never taking his eyes off the exterior door. It's kind of sweet watching him be so mindful about not invading my privacy even though I was the one who invited him in here. I open the shower door and grab it from him.


He clears his throat, "Yep," is all he manages to get out.

I finish my shower and turn off the water as I realize I've also left my towel in my bag.


"What did you forget this time?" he says with faux annoyance.

"My towel."

"Darling, I think you're trying to kill me!"

I giggle at this statement as he repeats the same backwards walk to hand me my towel.

"You can't do the giggle. You just can't. Not in here. Not when you're only wearing a towel."


I get dressed quickly and when I'm finished, I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around slowly, making sure I'm decent and then I hear a breath release that he must have been holding in.

"Your turn."

I turn my back, the same way he did for me. I quickly hear the shower start and him get into it.

"Can I use your shampoo and soap? I didn't bring any of my stuff."

"Yeah, of course. I left it in there for you."

He is done his shower in no time and I hear him climb out.

"Maggie?" and he is tapping me on my shoulder. I start to turn around and I catch a glimpse of a very naked Harry.

"Oh my god!" I immediately whip back around. "I thought you were dressed! Sorry! Sorry!"

I hear Harry stifling laughter behind me. "No, I just don't have a towel. Wasn't expecting to shower. Can I borrow yours?"

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