Chapter 29

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The next morning, Anne makes us a hearty breakfast before we have to start our drive back to London. She walks us outside to the car and wraps Harry in a big hug.

"Visit more darling," she says to him.

"I will Mum," he says, and then kisses her on the cheek.

She turns to me and holds out her arms and I meet her halfway hugging her back.

"You come back too," she whispers to me and then pulls away slightly to look at my face. I nod back at her, feeling teary from her kindness. Harry is busy putting our luggage in the car as she continues. "He's a handful that one but he's different with you. Calmer. More relaxed. It seems like instead of trying to impress the world, he is only trying to impress you."

"He's been the most patient, dependable person I've ever met."

"Harry has!?" she says, her mouth dropped with shock.

"Yeah, is he not usually?" I say just as surprised as her.

"He just never stays in one place long enough to have anyone rely on him. He is also not known for his patience," she responds as she eyes him approaching us, as if she is looking at him in a new light.

"You ready?"

"Yes. Thank you so much for having me Anne. It was so nice to meet you."

"You too, love. Please come back. And drag him with you!" she teases.

"Bye Mum," he says as he opens the passenger door for me to get inside.

The drive back to London feels shorter. Harry tells me all about his family and what it was like growing up in Holmes Chapel. I like this side of him. We never got super personal on the boat, only sharing minor details with each other. His usual slow pace of talking speeds up when he is excited about something. He insists that I must meet his sister soon.

We get back to the apartment and flop on the couch. Both of us too tired from the drive to do anything else. We put on a movie and cuddle up under a blanket. We both end up falling asleep and I wake before Harry to my phone beeping for a new message.

Unknown Sender: I guess you need motivation.

What does this mean? Did he release the pictures?

I quickly google Harry and briefly scan the news articles. There is one new picture of him on some British tabloid magazine. It's one of the shots from my house. He is in his underwear and he has his arms wrapped around me. My face is buried in his chest so you can't see me but it's clear that it's him. The background is blurred so you can't tell that it's my house. I don't read the article accompanying the photo. Harry told me I should never read what they say because none of it is ever good.

I check the time and then immediately message my financial planner to call me as soon as possible. I'm panicked now. What if I can't get the money to him in time? He'll release the rest of the photos. Harry is so private. I already feel bad that this image is out there. What if he finds out that my ex is connected to it? Maybe I should just tell him. No, I don't want him to worry about this. I can take care of it.

My phone rings interrupting my internal diatribe.

"Hi Mark,"

"Hey Maggie. I guess you are wondering about that money transfer."

"Yeah, I am actually."

"There was a problem with it. Looks like I'll need you here in person after all."

What? This is terrible. I'm going to have to fly home to Vancouver just for this. I don't know if I'll make it in time, before Tim's deadline. And what do I tell Harry? I've lied to him enough as it is.

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