Chapter 30

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We come down the stairs and I catch sight of a woman with brown hair similar to Harry's colour with her back towards me.

"Hey Gem!" Harry says and wraps her in a big hug, kissing her cheek. Her face lights up when she sees him and she hugs him back tightly, kissing his cheek back.

"Baby brother!"

They pull away from each other and now I can see her fully. She looks so similar to both Harry and Anne. All of them so beautiful. I unexpectedly feel intimidated by her. That soon passes as she steps towards me and says, "You must be Maggie!" pulling me into a big hug, kissing my cheek like she did to Harry.

She pulls away, and I smile at her friendliness.

"It's nice to meet you!"

"My brother hasn't stopped talking about you since he got home so I feel like I already know you."

"Okay. Okay," Harry interrupts. "Let's not embarrass me too much when I'm right here."

Gemma and I both chuckle at this.

"Oh, I think your ego is just fine!" Gemma teases him.

Gemma and I sit on the couch and talk while Harry busies himself in the kitchen making us lunch. She tells me a few stories about growing up with Harry and I tell her a little about my life back in Vancouver.

"Harry says it's beautiful there. I've never been."

"You are welcome any time," I say smiling at her. "Although I no longer have a sailboat to take you sailing on," I add flatly.

"Did Harry actually learn to sail? He talks like he is now the best sailor there ever was," she says looking back towards her brother grinning.

"He actually picked it up really quickly. It was impressive."

"That's Harry," she says rolling her eyes a bit. "While the rest of us take ages to learn things, he just learns things with ease. It would be quite annoying if he weren't so damn modest about it."

After lunch, Harry makes tea for everyone and we sit on the couches talking some more.

"So, are you going to be here for a little while or back to LA?"

"I'll be here for a bit. I have a studio session tomorrow."

"Getting started on the second album, are you?"

"Yeah, I've been writing a bit. This album might not be as sad as the last one," he says smiling.

"Oh, a happy album would be nice. Make the shows a bit more fun!"

Harry and Gemma continue to talk about the album, and I excuse myself to use the washroom. As I'm walking back, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out to check it. A new text message.

Unknown Sender: Midnight tonight. Make the transfer.

Shit! I had been so wrapped up in everything today I had completely forgot about Tim's request. I check my email quickly. I have a new email from my financial advisor. I read it quickly. He says he needs me back there as there has been a problem with some of my investments. What the hell am I going to do? I can't just leave Harry with no explanation. I'm going to have to fly back. Tell Harry it has to do with The Wilson Group. Book a meeting with them anyway so it's not a lie. I can probably get a flight out tomorrow evening.

Maggie: I'm flying back tomorrow. They need my signature in person. Please wait.

I don't know what else to say to him. He doesn't respond to my message and I find myself staring at my phone, willing it to respond.

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