Chapter 32

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When the plane lands I do not turn my phone back on. I know I won't be strong enough to not call him. I gather all my luggage and get a cab outside. I get dropped at my house and get all my stuff inside. I phone my financial advisor, Mark, on my landline to make sure he will still be there so I can do what I need to do to get Tim off my back. I immediately get in my car and head to Mark's office.

I spent the entire flight thinking about Harry. Thinking about how he lied to me. How he told me that he had never been in a serious relationship before. How he lied about the reason he came on the boat with me. I can't believe I ever trusted him. I know that I never really knew him. That it was all an act. Why do I keep getting fooled by men? I think they are one thing and they turn out to be something entirely different. I thought Harry really loved me. I thought he meant it when he said that I felt like home to him.

Whether we're together or not I can't let these photographs get out there. I want to protect Harry's privacy and my parent's reputation. I couldn't care less about me. I just want the people I love to be free from harm. And I love Harry. Even if he doesn't love me back.

The elevator doors open and I walk up to the reception area but there isn't anyone manning the desk. They must have left for the day since it's after five. I walk towards Mark's office and I see that he's not alone. There is a woman and a man in suits with him. He catches my eye and I see him say something to them and gesture towards me. The two of them both lift their heads and look at me through the glass partition separating his office from the hallway. He walks to the door and opens it for me.

"Hi Maggie. Come on in."

"I can wait, if you're busy?"

"No, um, how about you just come inside."

I feel nervous now. I don't know who these people are and why they are in Mark's office too. I examine them more closely and notice they both have police badges on their belts. Why are the police here?

"Hi Miss. Wilson, I'm Detective Manning and this is Detective Peters."

I just nod because I'm not sure what else to do.

"Would you like to sit down?"

I sit in one of the chairs, Mark sits behind his desk and the other two stay standing.

"Miss. Wilson, it was brought to our attention that you were requesting a large sum of money to be transferred. Is that correct?"

I look at Mark and he is looking at me encouragingly.

"It is," I say hesitant.

"As you know, large transfers like this are often investigated to make sure they are legitimate. Yours was particularly worrisome because of the account that it was being put into. It was an offshore account, usually used for money laundering and things of that nature."

"I'm not laundering money," I say defensively.

"Oh no, Miss. Wilson, we are not accusing you of that. We are just saying that the account the transfer was going to was a bit curious. Then today we saw that a transfer had been requested to that same account for one million dollars. We had already put a hold on the account so that no more transfers could be made. Now we can't get any information on the account holder but we can get the information on who tried to make the transfer. It came from a London company. Does the name Harry Styles mean anything to you?"

Oh my god. He had contacted Harry as well. Harry didn't even hesitate, he just paid it. Why would he do that? What would he care if those pictures came out? Pictures of him were out there every day.

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