Chapter 20

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A/N: SORRY! I realized yesterday that I reposted Chapter 19 instead of posting Chapter 20. My apologies! Here is Chapter 20!

I groggily open my eyes and see that it's still light outside. I lift my head off of Harry's chest and look around the room at the carelessly tossed clothes from earlier. I smile and touch my lips at the memory. My hair feels a mess and I remember that I never took that shower that I wanted to take earlier. I climb out bed and grab my robe, heading to the bathroom. I start the shower, waiting for it to get warm before stepping in.

When I'm done showering, I don't get dressed right away, lounging in my satin robe for a while longer. I brush through my hair and apply some mascara and lip balm, as I generally don't wear much makeup. Harry is still asleep when I come back into my room, so I decide to go downstairs and make something to eat. I put on the kettle for tea and look around the kitchen deciding on what to eat. I notice the old, mostly brown bananas on the counter and decide to make banana bread.

I think the smell of baking lures Harry downstairs because he appears in the kitchen not long after I've taken the banana bread out of the oven. His hair is disheveled, and his eyes are sleepy but his face lights up when he sees me.  He is wearing a pair of sweats that hang loosely on his hips. His top half is bare except for the black tattoos that cover a great deal of him.

"Hi," he says with a bright smile to me as he approaches me, wrapping his arms around me

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"Hi," he says with a bright smile to me as he approaches me, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Hey," I respond back, leaning into his arms.

"This is a nice sight to wake up to. Although, I'm a little disappointed."

"Why?" I say confused, looking around for any clue to his disappointment.

"It looks like you had a shower without me," he says grinning at me.

"You're insatiable!" I say, swatting at him.

"What do you got going on under there?" he asks as he gently lifts up the back of my robe.

"Nothing," I say pushing his hand away.

"And you just expect me to not want a peek?" he says, now attempting to pull open the front.

"Don't you think we should try and get something accomplished today?" I say as he plants kisses down my neck.

"I'm trying to get something done right now," he says, not stopping his mouth on my neck, one hand pulling back the fabric off my shoulder and laying kisses there too.

"Can we negotiate?" I whisper in his ear, when his face is so close to mine.

"I don't think you'd win. I've been involved in a lot of negotiations."

"Oh, I've been a part of my fair share too."

I push him backwards gently until the backs of his legs hit the couch in the living room and he sits down obediently. I climb on top of him, straddling his legs and his eyes go wide as my robe parts when I do this. I hear him take a deep breath when I sit atop of his thin pants, and it doesn't take long before I feel him grow beneath me. I begin kissing his neck, similarly to what he was doing to me just seconds before.

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