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Rebecca's POV
I retired from the ring because I am 6 months pregnant. So today Colby and I have a doctors appointment to find out the gender of the baby but I secretly wanted a girl.
Rebecca and Colby arrive at the doctors and sat their until they heard:
Doctor: Rebecca Lopez
So they went into the doctors room and she sat on the bed holding Colby's hand.
Rebecca: Colby are you ready to see the baby?
Colby: Yes and what ever gender it is I know that this kid is already winning because they have you as a mother.
Rebecca: You are going to be a great dad

The doctor walks in:
Doctor: Hello Mr and Mrs Lopez
Rebecca: Hello Dr. Smith
Doctor: Do you want to know what you're going to have?
Rebecca: Yes
So the doctor got the ultrasound on the screen and he made a noise.
Rebecca: Is my baby okay Dr. Smith?
Doctor: Yes you said baby?
Rebecca: Yes we are only having one.
Doctor: Well Mrs. Lopez I'm seeing two here.
Colby: Rebecca we're having twins let's find out the gender.
Rebecca: I love you so much Colby.
Doctor: Congratulations you're having a boy and a girl.

They finished up at the doctors and went home.
Rebecca: I cannot believe that we're having twins and how are we supposed to tell our family and friends?
Colby: Well it is easy let's call our parents at the same time.
Rebecca: Okay.
So Rebecca and Colby got their phones out and they started to call their parents on speakerphone so they could hear each other.
Holly and Annette answered and they said 'Hello' at the same time.
Rebecca: Hey moms Colby and I found out the gender of the babies today.
Annette and Holly at the same time yelled: BABIES!
Rebecca: Mom we are pregnant with twins and one is a boy one is a girl.
Annette: Congratulations sweetheart you're going to be the best mom.
Holly: Finally son you're going to be a great dad.
Rebecca: Alright we have to go but we love you.
Annette and Holly: Goodbye love you.

After they got of the phone Colby put his left hand on my tummy.
Colby: Hello you two munchkins this is your daddy speaking. I want to tell you a story about your mommy. When I first met your mommy it took me awhile to love her but I want you to know that she is my everything and now you guys are my everything too. I want you to know that every time daddy fights he is fighting for you and mommy. Mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you two munchkins.
Then he looked at Rebecca and said:
Colby: I love you to the moon and back and always will have your back.
Rebecca: I love you too
Colby got met with Rebecca's eyes and they started to make out. He carried her up the stairs and put her on the bed and she fell asleep and he just smiled and he hugged her and he went to sleep.

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