Vol 1 - Chapter 5 [First Encounter With The Heroines?]

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"Stay away! Misha, stay behind me!"

"Sis, le-let's run!"

"We can't out run them!"

Arlan stood, hearing 2 girls yelling to each other, as he approaches to the voice, a new roar could be hear.

"RRR!! Arg! Arg!"

The barking of a wild dog, sensing the danger, Arlan immediately rush toward the sound. As the wild dogs about to jump to the girls, Arlan block the wild dog path and slash the charging wild dogs and kill them.

"You guys not hurt?"

"Wh-who are you?"

"Just some stranger, any hurt?"

"N-No, thank you"

"We're not safe yet, prepare your sword!"

Arlan remind the older girl to prepare for another attack as there are 6 more wild dogs around them. 4 wild dogs start their attack toward Arlan, and the other 2 circling Arlan and try to attack the girls.

"I won't let you!"

As he yelling to the wild dogs, he grabbed one of the wild dogs neck in the midair and slash another dogs. Nimble and fast, Arlan took care 4 dogs in front of him. The girl behind him able to hold the other 2 dogs but couldn't kill it. One of the dogs tries to attack the smaller girl so he threw his sword and hit the head of the wild dog and grab the neck of the other dog and kill it right away. With his current status, he manage to do all that by himself, but since his body not looks capable to do that, it end up looks strange.

"You guys okay?"

He grabs his sword from the dog's head where he threw it earlier and asks the girls.

"Yes, we're fine, thanks to you, um...."

"My name Arlan, and you guys?"

"My name Musha, and this is my sister, Misha"

"Hello big brother Arlan, nice to meet you"

Unbelievably, the smaller girl, Misha, is not trembling anymore. In fact, she shows Arlan her bright smile to greet him. The girls are beastfolk, they are from cat-kin tribe, as showed in their status.

"Where are you going?"

"We are going to the Kukiri Town, to meet our relative"

"Me too, I was planning to go there myself, would you like to travel with me until Kukiri Town?"

"Of course! We loved to! Eh, um.. I mean, yes, we will feel safer with you"

"Yes, big brother Arlan is strong, so Misha love to travel with big brother!"

Not knowing why, but Arlan like their personality. In his past life, he rarely traveling with other people, forget beastfolk, even human always saw him as dead weight. But now, he wants to change those memories with better one.

"Have you guys eaten?"

"We only eat wild fruits that we can find"

"Is that so? We better take some rest first before nightfall. Here, some grilled meat"

He knew if he took out something out of nowhere, he will attract attention, so he pretends to took out a wrap grilled meat from his bag and share it with the girls.

"I-is it fine?"

"Sis, I want some meat!"

"Yes, it is fine, please eat it"

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